Thanks pak Asrul for your stimulate the discussion in english...

I agree that the majority of the newly graduated from college in Indonesia, not 
ready for work especially if we view from the aspect of her soft skills. This 
occurs because there are too dominant academic culture than the establishment 
of interpersonal skills on campus. In fact, industry providers are generally 
more in need graduates who not only has the technical ability appropriate 
academic (hard skill), but also aspects of good soft skills.
Hard skills could be prepared, that we obtained through lectures. However, soft 
skills acquired through learning by doing. 

Further the ability of soft skills determine in work competition. In principle, 
the domain of the workforce is interact with many people. That's why we need 
the universal language. The world has changed. We can no longer live alone in 
our country anymore. If you want to learn the world you need to learn english. 
We can open ourselves to the world and the only way we can connect to the world 
is to the unviersal language. India, malaysia, singapure has began, we are just 

That's it from me...I hope this discussion can stimulate other member to speak 
and write in english.

Odu olo,


PS : Correct me if I'm wrong

Dari: M. Ashrul <>
Terkirim: Sab, 24 April, 2010 23:19:00
Judul: Re: Bls: [GM2020] Bercermin pada Mutu Pendidikan India

Dear Ikubaru-San & Pak Sofyan,
Just a small comment here.
I kindly tried to stimulate the discussion in english on some previous topics 
only to find myself being 'kindly warned' by one of the mailist member that : 
"Not all members here can comprehend english!"
Back to the topic.
Let's just say that currently I've had a fortunate circumstance whereby I've 
had to encounter many Indians with regards to work.
A small comment from me is that our (in this case represented by "my") level of 
intelligence do not fall far from their level of comprehension especially 
related to work affairs.
And this can even be extended to many of my countrymen who're also working 
together with me.
It's true that in term of english literacy we have a lot to catch up with, 
while those Indians were far more ready.
To cut this short, Indians are ready to "sell" themselves right after 
graduation day whereas us do not know how to.
Hope this small insight can bring another side of thought as to how we need to 
look on our higher education achievement.
Sorry, if this writing does not bring any new idea to the table.
Wassalam warahmatullah.

 From: Sofyan Uli <sofyan...@yahoo.>
To: gorontalomaju2020@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Sat, April 24, 2010 11:04:31 AM
Subject: Bls: [GM2020] Bercermin pada Mutu Pendidikan India

Iya betul skali ... bahasa inggris sangat penting. saya pernah bertemu dgn org 
india. Bahasa inggrisnya sangat fasih, jelas skali dengan ciri khas logat 
indianya. Jadi kita org indonesia khususnya gtlo, jangan malu untuk berbicara 
bhs inggris walau salah2. Campur2 juga tidak apa2. Bahkan kalo bisa dengan ciri 
khas logat inggris gtlo hehehehe.
Kalo ada yg bilang dengan belajar bhs inggris mengurangi rasa nasionalisme 
kita. Mereka salah besar. Lihat saja malaysia, singapura, philipina. Apakah 
rasa nasionalisme berkurang?
Justru dengan kemampuan yang bagus dalam berbahasa Inggris, tenaga kerja mereka 
dihargai lebih tinggi dari kita. Miris memang..padahal dilihat dari etos kerja 
kita jauh lebih baik dari mereka.
Skali2 kita mungkin perlu berdiskusi di milis ini dalam bahasa inggris. Saya 
liat udah ada beberapa member yang memulainya. Tapi walaupun kita harus bisa 
berbahasa Inggris tentunya juga harus fasih berbahasa ibu. (Bhs gorontalo). Dan 
juga bahasa indonesia supaya kita bisa  menulis dgn baik dan benar seperti saya 
ini :D

 Dari: Iqbal <kaizen...@yahoo. com>
Kepada: "gorontalomaju2020@ yahoogroups. com" <gorontalomaju2020@ yahoogroups. 
Terkirim: Jum, 23 April, 2010 23:39:33
Judul: Re: [GM2020] Bercermin pada Mutu Pendidikan India

Artikel yang menarik..
Satu hal yang menonjol dari India dibanding negara2 berkembang lain adalah 
kemampuan berbahasa Inggris dan mereka benar2 mengoptimalkan kelebihan ini 
dalam meningkatkan kualitas hidupnya.


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