Am 26.09.18 um 14:06 schrieb ashutosh:
> I created a graph and edge property like this>
> *import pandas as pd
> import graph_tool as gt
> df =
> pd.DataFrame({'Node1':['a','b','c'],'Node2':['b','c','a'],'weight':[0.4,0.5,0.8]})
> g = gt.Graph()
> nprop = g.new_edge_property("float")
> g.add_edge_list(df.values.tolist(),hashed=True,string_vals=True,eprops=[nprop])*
> So after creating everything when I type the command
> *g.list_properties()*
> it doesn't show anything at all. Why so ??

Please read the documentation carefully. Graph.list_properties() only lists
the internal property maps, not all property maps created. If you want your
property map to  show up, you need to do:

    g.edge_properties["nprop"] = nprop


Tiago de Paula Peixoto <>
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