#2333: choose python interpreter during the GRASS installation on windows
  Reporter:  zarch       |      Owner:  grass-dev@…
      Type:              |     Status:  new
  enhancement            |
  Priority:  normal      |  Milestone:  7.1.0
 Component:  Python      |    Version:  svn-trunk
Resolution:              |   Keywords:  windows installer python
                         |  interpreter
       CPU:  All         |   Platform:  MSWindows 8

Comment (by wenzeslaus):

 Replying to [comment:25 hellik]:
 > should there in the standalone installer be only the option to choose
 the python interpreter or also some check of needed dependencies
 (wxwidgets, python win api etc.)? for example my system wide python
 installation (installed by another software) isn't compatible to run
 winGRASS out of the box

 In [comment:52:ticket:580 ticket 580] Michael is saying that wxPython is
 bundled with GRASS GIS and the system Python is used. Is there a way to do
 something like this on Windows?

 > how/if should such an option implemented in OSGeo4W-winGRASS too?

 It would have to be implemented for the whole OSGeo4W I suppose. The
 reason for doing it there is the same as for the standalone version.
 OSGeo4W doesn't contain all the packages available through pip and it
 doesn't contain pip.

 > if not, there would be disparity between different platforms on windows
 (standalone, OSGeo4W, QGIS bundled).

 I think the idea is to make it more similar across operating system. On
 Linux, one does not have to install Python packages for GRASS separately
 or do some workaround to get the already installed there. Mac OS X works
 the same if you are (very) lucky.

 OSGeo4W, QGIS-bundled or whatever-bundled might need to use the internal
 Python option. Are the install scripts able to handle two options or it is
 too difficult?

 > how should our users deal with these many different variants? e.g. for
 myself I never work with the standalone installer, prefer the OSGeo4W-
 environment as there are quite a lot tools, which can easily be updated.

 There are already different variants. And unless all OSGeo projects agree
 on using OSGeo4W exclusively, we will always have them. With installation
 of additional packages, I'm not worried about them much. I'm more worried
 about them in regard to #2873, but still, Linux, Mac and standalone
 would/could be the same, OSGeo4W and QGIS-bundled would be different.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/2333#comment:26>
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