On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 2:08 PM, Micha Silver <mi...@arava.co.il> wrote:
> Hi Jon:

(Jon, sorry for my previous email, I missed this thread).

> So we're pretty clear that this problem creeps up only on PostgreSQL and
> MySQL based vector layers. I checked in the documentation and both databases
> will create a *one* char wide column when the CHARACTER type is used without
> any size. Sqlite uses their "dynamic typing " so any CHAR column can be any
> size and the bug gets "hidden"...
> Here's a new v.db.join script that seems to overcome the width problem. I
> tested *only* on a Postgresql based vector. It creates the full width
> columns like in the original table. Would you mind testing on MySQL? To use
> this scrpt, you'll have to drop it into your GRASS scripts directory
> (probably /usr/lib/grass64/scripts ) and make sure it's executable. Then run
> it as v.db.join2.

@Micha: Since Jon tested it on MySQL successfully, please consider to submit it
as patch to trac (please clean it up a bit then).

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