On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 12:17 AM, Rich Shepard <rshep...@appl-ecosys.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 22 Apr 2012, Markus Metz wrote:
>> I guess so because you said that r.stream.extract works with the
>> unweighed accumulation map. How exactly did you calculate the weight?
> Markus,
> r.param.scale in=dem_10m out=tancurv5 size=5 param=crosc
> r.param.scale in=dem_10m out=tancurv7 size=7 param=crosc
> r.param.scale in=dem_10m out=tancurv11 size=11 param=crosc
> r.mapcalc "weight = if(tancurv5 < 0, -100 * tancurv5, if(tancurv7 < 0, -100
> * tancurv7, if(tancurv11 < 0, -100 * tancurv11, 0.000001)))"
> /*  The r.mapcalc command is on a single line; wrapped here. */
> r.mapcalc "dem_10m.acc.w = dem_10m.acc * weight"
>> BTW, I checked the example script in the manual of r.stream.extract
>> and it works in 6.4.3 and 7.0.
>  With the Spearfish data set, correct?

> I could extract my data (dem_10m)
> and send that for testing purposes.

That could shed some light on the mystery.

Markus M
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