On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 9:25 PM, Vaclav Petras <wenzesl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think we should really implement #2579 [1] in one way or the other. This
> would make custom setups [2] not necessary for most cases. What do you
> think? What should be the command line parameters?

Importing a shapefile to a new location without a VAR file works for
me, and I think we should find out why it does not work for Giovanni.
His approach should (must) work as it is.

Markus M

> Vaclav
> [1] http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/2579
> [2]
> http://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Working_with_GRASS_without_starting_it_explicitly
> On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 1:26 PM, G. Allegri <gioha...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Markus,
>> I wrote the details in another recent email and I forgot to write the
>> here, sorry.
>> GRASS 7.0.0 RC1 on Ubuntu 14.04.
>> I'm creating a temporary database with an empty start location, with no
>> CRS defined (proj code 0, i.e. XY).
>> My location contains only the the WIND and DEFAULT_WIND files with the
>> following content:
>> proj:       0
>> zone:       0
>> north:      1
>> south:      0
>> east:       1
>> west:       0
>> cols:       1
>> rows:       1
>> e-w resol:  1
>> n-s resol:  1
>> top:        1
>> bottom:     0
>> cols3:      1
>> rows3:      1
>> depths:     1
>> e-w resol3: 1
>> n-s resol3: 1
>> t-b resol:  1
>> The env variables I'm using are:
>> export PYTHONPATH='/usr/lib/grass70/etc/python'
>> export GISRC='/tmp/tmp9YVf_N/gisrc'
>> export GRASS_VERSION='7.0.0'
>> export
>> PATH='/usr/lib/grass70/bin:/usr/lib/grass70/scripts:/home/giova/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin'
>> export GIS_LOCK=$
>> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='/usr/lib/grass70/lib'
>> export GISBASE='/usr/lib/grass70'
>> Whatevere shapefile I try to import I obtain a segfault.
>> This is the test command:
>> :/ v.in.ogr dsn="/mnt/data/centroids.shp" output=centroids
>> location=workLocation -ie
>> If I add the VAR file with:
>> DB_DRIVER: sqlite
>> eveythign works fine.
>> giovanni
>> 2015-02-18 18:08 GMT+01:00 Markus Neteler <nete...@osgeo.org>:
>>> On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 3:24 PM, G. Allegri <gioha...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > I'm getting segmentation faults in case I run a command on a location
>>> > missing the VAR file.
>>> On which OS, which GRASS version?
>>> > I thought it was optional, as it's said here:
>>> >
>>> > http://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Working_with_GRASS_without_starting_it_explicitly#GRASS_databases
>>> Please post a reproducible example, thanks.
>>> Markus
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