Dearest ones,

       Do you mind if I ask you off-topic? I am a complete newbie in XML 
and I would like to know how do you deal with it in your applications 
(those who write and read XML-formatted files)... I have googled about 
the topic some times, read a lot about SAX, DOM, but I still have some 

       1) You can read a XML file with SAX or DOM approaches, ok... but 
how do you WRITE an XML file? Do you keep in memory a tree 
representation of the data, and write it all to disk at once? Do you use 
a self-written function to write line by line to a buffer and then save 
this buffer? I mean, what is the preferred procedure??

       2) I have read that using elements is more recommended than using 
attributes. But I see that Glade, for example, uses a LOT of attributes 
in its tags. For you, developers, which are the general rules for using 
one or another?

Thank you and regards!

Fabricio Rocha
Brasilia, Brasil


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