On Thu, 22 May 2008 17:26:15 -0700 Tom Machinski wrote:

> Hi,
> I wrote a simple GTK+ application that displays a popup window.
> The problem is that whenever the window is displayed, it immediately
> gets ("steals") the focus. I would like to prevent that from
> happening: i.e., the window should be created and displayed, but it
> should not be focused, but instead focus should be retained by
> whatever window had it before the creation of the new window.
> The only way I know to do that is by calling
> window.set_accept_focus(False) before window.show(). The serious flaw
> with that method is that the resulting window, while being prevented
> from stealing the focus, also can not receive focus at any later
> time, even by intentional user action.

gtk_window_set_focus_on_map() (or presumably
window.set_focus_on_map(False) in... whatever langauges you're using).

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