On 29 Apr 2011, at 23:05, Jaroslav Šmíd wrote:

> I know this won't help much, but when writing new app, I wouldn't bother to 
> use gtk2 anymore and I would use gtk3 instead.
You're right, it wouldn't help in this case because it's a substantial body of 
code, already written to use gtk2.  However, you reminded me of a question I 
keep meaning to ask about gtk3....  One of the great annoyances about gtk2 is 
the appearance of "grayed out" text.  To the untrained eye it tends to look 
"bolder" than normal text and gives the impression that the grayed out text is 
enabled and the normal text disabled.  I know I'm by no means the only person 
who dislikes this.  It really spoils the otherwise excellent appearance of gtk 
GUI objects (especially menus).  Has there been any attempt to address this in 

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