Am Fri, 10 Apr 2009 16:49:43 +0200
schrieb b0unc3 <>:

> 2009/4/10 Nelson Benítez León <>
> > 2009/4/10 b0unc3 <>:
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > there is any implementation of a substr function in GLib ?
> > >
> > > I mean :
> > > string = "hello world"
> > > g_*substr*(string,2,6)
> > > output = llo w
> >
> > Another way,
> >
> > substring (GString *str, int index, int len)
> > {
> >  return g_string_new_len (str->str, index, MIN (str->len - index,
> > len)); }
> >
> > taken from .
> >
> >
> > I personally would like that glib provide those small but useful
> > string functions (like other high level languages do), for example,
> > glib doesn't provide a simple function to replace strings, like this
> > one written by Tim in
> > ,
> >
> > gchar *
> > g_strreplace (const gchar *string,
> >              const gchar *search,
> >              const gchar *replacement)
> >
> >
> > Instead you currently have to use gregex to replace some simple
> > strings (where no regex are involved).
> First of all thanks to everyone who replayed.
> The implementation using g_srtndup looks ok.
> I was wondering why not to add a so simple example in the official
> docs (maybe in the g_strndup explanation).


the reason is simple. This is entirely up to the programming language
and not at all Glib specific. If you want to learn more about C you
should look for a good C (online) book.

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