On Feb 2, 2012, at 4:44 PM, Alberto Ruiz wrote:

> Just FYI, if anyone wants to get a device to test this, the Apple magic 
> trackpad works on Linux and it is really neat for testing.
> Chase Douglas and the other touch engineers in the System teams use it for 
> the gesture support development in Ubuntu. It is a good workaround if you 
> don't want to buy a whole multitouch capable tablet(pc).

Just wanted to add a minor caveat that the external trackpad does not give the 
same detail/level of information as the built in ones do. Pressure is more 
limited, and data frequency might also be. The guys working on Inklet have hit 
up against this http://tenonedesign.com/inklet_help.php

Unfortunately my Macbook is too old to have the multitouch pad, so I can't test 
to give exact details. But for focusing on touch it does seem quite handy.

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