On 18 Sep 2011, at 10:00, Dieter Verfaillie wrote:

> Reverting gdk_drag_find_window_for_screen to the 2.16 era logic
> effectively fixes treeview dnd (see attached patch). Have not yet
> tested if this breaks other things so this patch needs more work.

Great news!  The patch is quite straightforward (fortunately, because I had to 
revert it manually!) but I can confirm that it does solve the problem.  Dieter 
is right that it probably screws up whatever was intended by the original 
change so we do need to flag this up to the development team.  It looks like 
the intention was to upgrade the DnD mechanism to use OLE.  I'm away for the 
next few days but I'll try contacting a developer on IRC this afternoon so we 
can at least let someone know.  Failing that, I'll post something on the 
gtk-devel list.  Great teamwork!

Now to take a look at Peter's patches....


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