On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 5:36 AM, RAPPAZ Francois
<francois.rap...@unifr.ch> wrote:
> Hi
> I tried to run a Gtk2 based perl script on window xp with active state perl 
> installed.  (perl version is 5.8.9) I use also mingw + dmake to compile from 
> C.
> I have download Gtk2 from 
> http://sourceforge.net/userapps/mediawiki/alex-sh/index.php?title=Main_Page
> I have problem with Glib : the Makefile.pl breaks with errors
> 1) a msgbox saying that a entrypoint in libglib-2.0-0.dll is not found

How many copies of the GTK stack (gtk+/glib/pango/cairo) do you have
installed on your machine?  I would say your perl script is finding
the wrong glib library.  Note that apps like Pidgin and Gimp for
Windows are sometimes bundled with their own GTK stack as well.

> 2) Can't find package gobject-2.0
> I have gobject-2.0.lib in my gtk\lib folder and a gobject-2.0.pc in 
> gtk\lib\pkgconfig. My PKG_CONFIG_PATH is 
> C:\Prog\gtk\bin;C:\Prog\gtk\lib\pkgconfig

Can you run the pkgconfig command in the same shell that you set
PKG_CONFIG_PATH in and have it return the version for gobject?

XP-GTK-BUILDER# pkg-config --modversion gobject-2.0

If you can't run the above command, then your PKG_CONFIG_PATH is not
set or is set incorrectly.


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