I knew I could depend on you guys!!!!  ;)

Armin Burgmeier wrote:
> Robert Caryl wrote:
> > Furthermore, I am going to assume that you have written a function in
> > your class that will serve as the callback slot parameter for  
> > Gtk::TreeSelection::selected_foreach_iter.  In this callback slot you
> > should make a call to Gtk::TreeModel::erase using the iterator passed as
> > its formal parameter, and voila!  Your selected rows will be deleted.
> The GTK+ documentation states the following for
> gtk_tree_selection_selected_foreach: "Note that you cannot modify the
> tree or selection from within this function."
> This is the way I did it. It is plain C, but you probably get the idea.
> It is perhaps even possible to avoid the conversion to iterators if you
> delete the rows in the reverse order (from bottom to top).
> static void
> cg_element_editor_remove_button_clicked_cb (G_GNUC_UNUSED GtkButton
> *button,
>                                             gpointer user_data)
> {
>     CgElementEditor *editor;
>     CgElementEditorPrivate *priv;
>     GtkTreeSelection *selection;
>     GtkTreeIter *iter;
>     GtkTreePath *path;
>     GList *selected_rows;
>     GList *selected_iters;
>     GList *cur_item;
>     editor = CG_ELEMENT_EDITOR (user_data);
>     priv = CG_ELEMENT_EDITOR_PRIVATE (editor);
>     selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (priv->view);
>     selected_rows = gtk_tree_selection_get_selected_rows (selection,
> NULL);
>     selected_iters = NULL;
>     /* Convert paths to iters because changing the model borks offsets
>      * in paths, but since GtkListStore has GTK_TREE_MODEL_PERSIST set,
>      * iters continue to live after changing the model. */
>     for (cur_item = selected_rows; cur_item != NULL; cur_item =
> cur_item->next)
>     {
>         path = cur_item->data;
>         iter = g_new (GtkTreeIter, 1);
>         gtk_tree_model_get_iter (priv->list, iter, path);
>         selected_iters = g_list_prepend (selected_iters, iter);
>         gtk_tree_path_free (path);
>     }
>     for (cur_item = selected_iters;
>          cur_item != NULL;
>          cur_item = cur_item->next)
>     {
>         iter = cur_item->data;
>         gtk_list_store_remove (GTK_LIST_STORE (priv->list), iter);
>         g_free (iter);
>     }
>     g_list_free (selected_rows);
>     g_list_free (selected_iters);
> }
> Greetings,
> Armin

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*Robert L. Caryl Jr.*
Fiscal Systems, Inc.
102 Commerce Circle
Madison, AL 35758-2706 USA
256-772-8922 ext. 108

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