Neil Jerram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Slightly confusingly, set-readline-prompt! does also set the default
> prompt for an explicit `readline' call (1).  I think the overall
> situation would be clearer if it didn't.

It's not too terrible, may as well leave it alone in case anyone's
nutted it out and is using it.

> The bug which Jon has noted, about the effect of set-readline-prompt!
> not lasting very long, is caused by the fact that Guile's REPL code,

It might have been from only using `display' to show a prompt, which
readline doesn't know and hence overwrites.

> ... This code should instead
> save the existing prompts and restore them afterwards

But yes, that'd be a good thing.

> Patch is below.

Looks pretty reasonable.

> (This is pretty horrible, but I can't see any other way.  If anyone
> has any better ideas, please suggest them!)

I guess the application has to say the boundaries somehow.

I wrote some words for the manual.  Readline functions to follow the
other readline bits, the buffered-input to go in the Guile Modules

6.5.3 Readline Functions

The following functions are provided by

     (use-modules (ice-9 readline))

   There are two ways to use readline from Scheme code, either make
calls to `readline' directly to get line by line input, or use
`activate-readline' to have readline for all input from

 -- Function: readline [prompt]
     Read and return a line of input from the user and return it as a
     string (without a newline at the end).  PROMPT is printed as a
     prompt, or the default is the string set in `set-readline-prompt!'

          (readline "Type something: ") => "hello"

 -- Function: activate-readline
     Enable readline for all reading from `current-input-port' (*note
     Default Ports::), and also enable readline features in the
     interactive REPL (*note The REPL::).


     `activate-readline' works by changing `current-input-port' to a
     special soft port which calls the `readline' function above for
     input.  This means all the usual reading functions (`read',
     `read-char', etc) work as normal, but the user has the interactive
     editing features of readline.

 -- Function: set-readline-prompt! prompt1 [prompt2]
     Set the prompt string to print when reading input.  This is used
     when reading through `activate-readline', and is also the default
     prompt for the `readline' function above.

     PROMPT1 is the initial prompt shown.  If a user might enter an
     expression across multiple lines, then PROMPT2 is a different
     prompt to show further input required.  In the Guile REPL for
     instance this is an ellipsis (`...').

     See `set-buffered-input-continuation?!' (*note Line Buffered
     Input::) t indicate the boundaries of logical expressions
     (assuming of course an application has such a notion).

6.5.4 Line Buffered Input

The following functions are provided by

     (use-modules (ice-9 buffered-input))

   A buffered input port allows a reader function to return chunks of
characters, which are to be handed out on reading the port.  A notion
of when further input for an application level expression is maintained
too, and passed through to the reader.

 -- Function: make-buffered-input-port reader
     Create an input port which returns characters obtained from the
     given READER function.  READER is called (READER cont), and should
     return a string or an EOF object.

     The new port gives precisely the characters returned by READER,
     nothing is added, so if any newline characters or other separators
     are desired they must come from the reader function.

     The CONT parameter to READER is `#f' for initial input, or `#t'
     when continuing an expression.  This is an application level
     notion set with `set-buffered-input-continuation?!' below.  If the
     user has entered a partial expression then it allows the reader
     for instance to give a different prompt to show more is required.

 -- Function: make-line-buffered-input-port reader
     Create an input port which returns characters obtained from the
     specified READER function, similar to `make-buffered-input-port'
     above, but where READER is expected to be a line-oriented.

     READER is called (READER cont), and should return a string or an
     EOF object as above.  Each string is a line of input without a
     newline character, the port code inserts a newline after each

 -- Function: set-buffered-input-continuation?! port cont
     Set the input continuation flag for a given buffered input PORT.

     An application uses this by calling with a CONT flag of `#f' when
     beginning to read a new logical expression.  For example with the
     Scheme `read' function (*note Scheme Read::),

          (define my-port (make-buffered-input-port my-reader))

          (set-buffered-input-continuation?! my-port #f)
          (let ((obj (read my-port)))

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