On Mon, 22 Jan 2007, Kevin Ryde wrote:

> Hugh Sasse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> >> You might be able to stick something in to save the conftest.c used.
> >
> > Possibly.  I'm not familiar enough with autoconf to be confident about
> > that.
> Oh, what I meant was if you edit the generated configure to do a cp of
> conftest.c at the right spot.  The autoconf side is pretty wild, but
> it comes out just as extremely ugly shell script ...

OK, well, I'll look at this bit first:
> > bash-2.05$ gcc -o isinf isinf.c
> I think you'll have to see what actually comes out.  Add "-S" to see

bash-2.05$ gcc -S -o isinf isinf.c
bash-2.05$ cat isinf.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(void);
int main (void) {
  printf ("isinf(0.0) gives %d\n",isinf(0.0));
  printf ("(isinf(0.0) != 0) gives %d\n",(isinf(0.0) != 0));
  return (0);

bash-2.05$ cat isinf
        .file   "isinf.c"
        .section        ".rodata"
        .align 8
        .asciz  "isinf(0.0) gives %d\n"
        .align 8
        .asciz  "(isinf(0.0) != 0) gives %d\n"
        .section        ".text"
        .align 4
        .global main
        .type   main, #function
        .proc   04
        save    %sp, -112, %sp
        sethi   %hi(.LLC0), %g1
        or      %g1, %lo(.LLC0), %o0
        mov     0, %o1
        call    printf, 0
        sethi   %hi(.LLC1), %g1
        or      %g1, %lo(.LLC1), %o0
        mov     0, %o1
        call    printf, 0
        mov     0, %g1
        mov     %g1, %i0
        jmp     %o7+8
        .size   main, .-main
        .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 4.1.1"

I've never done sparc assembler, so  I don't understand this, but
there seems to be no call to anything that could be isinf...

> the asm code, or add "-c" and look with nm at the .o file, to see if

bash-2.05$ gcc -c -o isinf isinf.c
bash-2.05$ nm --synthetic --special-syms isinf
00000000 T main
         U printf

> there's an actual reference to an isinf.  Perhaps gcc has optimized it
> out.
> Or if it looks ok in the test program then do the same with numbers.c

I don't think it looks OK....
> to see what comes out there.  (The .o created, or adding -S to the gcc
> invocation as printed by libtool.)

        Thank you,

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