GEE/Infix version 0.4b0 is available.


This version is tested with Guile 1.8.3.

GEE/Infix is  a C language library extension  for Guile, the
GNU's  Ubiquitous Intelligent  Language for  Extensions.  It
implements  an infix->prefix  notation converter  for Scheme
code.   It  is  derived   from  Guile-Arith,  by  Ian  Grant

You can  use GEE/Infix  under the terms  of the  GNU General
Public  License version  2, or  (at your  option)  any later

At present the conversion does no optimisations.  Examples:

(infix->prefix "fun(1+a, sin(2), 3*g, 4+a+f+r+t)")
;; -> (fun (+ 1 a) (sin 2) (* 3 g) (+ (+ (+ (+ 4 a) f) r) t))

(infix->prefix "cos(a) * (tan(b) / c)")
;; -> (* (cos a) (/ (tan b) c))

SRFI-10 is used to implement a read syntax:

(let ((x 8.8)
      (y 9.9))
  #,(infix x^2 + y^3 -1))

is equivalent to:

(- (+ (expt 8.8 2) (expt 9.9 3)) 1)

Another extension of the language, I think.

  <DT><B><A HREF="";>GEE/Infix</A></B>
  <TD>Infix to prefix conversion.</TD></TR>
  <TD>GNU General Public License version 2, or (at your
      option) any later version.</TD></TR>
  <TD>Guile 1.8</TD></TR>

Marco Maggi

"Now feel the funk blast!"
Rage Against the Machine - "Calm like a bomb"

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