2009/8/2 Daniel Kraft <d...@domob.eu>:
> Linas Vepstas wrote:
>> 2009/8/2 Mike Gran <spk...@yahoo.com>:
>>> Oh my oh my.  I wrote that doc at lonelycactus.com quite awhile ago.  I
>>> keep meaning to take it down, because the way I did things was a little
>>> strange and a little old.  But, oddly, there are few other
>>> tutorial-level resources.  Someone really ought to put something better
>>> together.
>> Well, don't take it down; it doesn't use the gh_ functions from what
>> I can tell, so its not totally misleading.  I'm more concerned about
>> the 'turtle graphics' pages, which do use the gh_* functions.  What
>> I do like about that one is that its fairly short and concise, which is
>> what I tend to like best.
> I also got started using Guile with that turtle package tutorial, and it was
> really quite nice for the purpose...  But I also later rewrote my original
> code to not use gh_ after I discovered there was a new API ;)
> This document is linked here:
> http://www.gnu.org/software/guile/docs/guile-tut/tutorial.html
> So it seems to be part of the "official documentation" somewhat...

Well, its on the main gnu.org website, so it doesn't get much
more official than that.

> However,
> it does not seem to be the stuff in doc/tutorial (actually, grepping doc for
> tortoise does not give any hits at all?)

?? It is linked directly from the main guile documentation page at


which is linked directly from the main guile page at:


>  -- so does anyone know who wrote it
> and where/what it is meant to be?

I don't get what you are saying ...
at the bottom of your URL it says clearly:
 "I wrote this page because ... etc
Copyright (c) 2000 David Drysdale
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify ...
GNU Free Documentation License,

> If that's no problem with the original author, I'd volunteer to rework the
> tutorial for the new Guile API.

Well, with the GFDL, you don't have to contact the original author.
You can hack away at it as desired.

> Or maybe write some other tutorial in the
> same style just with another example (that maybe does not use X functions
> but something more basic).

Yeah, X examples are rather anachronistic.  I dunno, an OpenGL
version might be fun.  Imagine .. 3D programming in scheme ..!
it would not be a bad idea, I don't think.

Anyway, doing something interactive would be appropriate --
something vaguely enjoyable when its done.  Maybe a simple
fractal explorer?

> What do you think about this?

Do it!


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