"Andy Wingo" wrote:
> Interesting test.  So, with current  git it does  run, but
> fails with:
> ERROR: In procedure string-ref:
> ERROR: Wrong type argument in position 1 (expecting string): #<undefined>

With commit  a4082ab57e81c1826906c1a8601593e8dea5078c I get,
running twice  "make gtest" after cleaning the  cache for my
home directory:

$ make gtest
GUILE_LOAD_PATH=. guile -l guile-config.scm --autocompile -s 
;;; note: autocompilation is enabled, set GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE=0
;;;       or pass the --no-autocompile argument to disable.
;;; compiling guile-config.scm
;;; compiled 
;;; compiling ./tests/test-makers.sps
WARNING: (rnrs): `i/o-error-port' imported from both (rnrs files) and (rnrs io 
WARNING: (rnrs): `&i/o' imported from both (rnrs files) and (rnrs io simple)
;;; compiling ./makers//makers.sls
;;; compiling ./makers//helpers.sls
;;; compiled 
;;; compiled 
;;; compiled 
guile: uncaught throw to r6rs:exception: (#<r6rs:record:&raise-object-wrapper>)
make: *** [gtest] Error 1

~/src/devel/scheme/makers $ make gtest
GUILE_LOAD_PATH=. guile -l guile-config.scm --autocompile -s 
;;; note: autocompilation is enabled, set GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE=0
;;;       or pass the --no-autocompile argument to disable.
;;; compiling /usr/local/share/guile/2.0/srfi//srfi-11.scm
;;; WARNING: compilation of /usr/local/share/guile/2.0/srfi//srfi-11.scm failed:
;;; key misc-error, throw_args (#f "~A ~S" ("no code for module" (srfi 
srfi-11)) #f)
In unknown file:
   ?: 19 [load-compiled/vm 
In ./tests/test-makers.sps:
  29: 18 [#<procedure 867a780 ()>]
In module/ice-9/boot-9.scm:
2490: 17 [resolve-interface (rnrs) #:select ...]
2429: 16 [#<procedure 870e910 at module/ice-9/boot-9.scm:2416:4 (name 
#:optional autoload version)> # ...]
2738: 15 [try-module-autoload (rnrs) ()]
1988: 14 [save-module-excursion #<procedure 87b3d00 at 
module/ice-9/boot-9.scm:2738:17 ()>]
2741: 13 [#<procedure 87b3d00 at module/ice-9/boot-9.scm:2738:17 ()>]
1988: 12 [save-module-excursion #<procedure 87b4900 at 
module/ice-9/boot-9.scm:2001:3 ()>]
1154: 11 [load "/usr/local/share/guile/2.0//6/rnrs.scm" #f]
In unknown file:
   ?: 10 [load-compiled/vm 
In 6/rnrs.scm:
  20: 9 [#<procedure 86d94e0 at 6/rnrs.scm:19:0 ()>]
In module/ice-9/boot-9.scm:
2490: 8 [resolve-interface (rnrs io ports) #:select ...]
2429: 7 [#<procedure 870e910 at module/ice-9/boot-9.scm:2416:4 (name #:optional 
autoload version)> # ...]
2738: 6 [try-module-autoload (rnrs io ports) (6)]
1988: 5 [save-module-excursion #<procedure 891e500 at 
module/ice-9/boot-9.scm:2738:17 ()>]
2741: 4 [#<procedure 891e500 at module/ice-9/boot-9.scm:2738:17 ()>]
2401: 3 [find-versioned-module "rnrs/io/" "ports" ...]
In unknown file:
   ?: 2 [scm-error misc-error #f "~A" ("No matching modules found.") #f]
In module/ice-9/boot-9.scm:
 114: 1 [#<procedure 8772c08 at module/ice-9/boot-9.scm:108:6 (thrown-k . 
args)> misc-error ...]
In unknown file:
   ?: 0 [catch-closure misc-error #f "~A" ("No matching modules found.") #f]

ERROR: No matching modules found.
make: *** [gtest] Error 1

Marco Maggi

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