Thien-Thi Nguyen <> writes:

> () Joel James Adamson <>
> () Wed, 21 Jul 2010 16:27:54 -0400
>    (define-module (popgen popgen))
>    [...]
>    guile> (set! %load-path (cons (getcwd) %load-path))
>    guile> (use-modules (popgen popgen))
>    [...]
>    <unnamed port>: no code for module (popgen popgen)
>    ABORT: (misc-error)
>    Where am I going wrong?
> For module name ‘(a b c)’, guile constructs relative filenames:
>  a/b/c.scm  (S: scheme)
>  a/b/c      (R: raw)
> and searches for the file DIR/S and DIR/R for each DIR in ‘%load-path’
> (see variable ‘%load-extensions’).  In this case,
>  (a b  ) ≘ (popgen       )        ; module name prefix
>       c  ≘         popgen         ; module name leaf
> The error you see means that none of these files can be found:
>  /home/joel/Documents/ss_theory/scm/popgen/popgen.scm
>  /home/joel/Documents/ss_theory/scm/popgen/popgen

Thanks, I have updated my filesystem hierarchy to reflect the module


Joel J. Adamson
Servedio Lab
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

FSF Member #8164

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