Mike Gran <spk...@yahoo.com> writes:

>> > For my own personal use, I have a Guile binding of GNU Plotutils.  I had
>> > planned that someday I'd clean it up and making it available.  It has most
>> > of the functionality of the GNU Plotutils 'graph' program.  
>> My questions:
>> 1.  What is the status of Plotutils?  I looked into it a while ago and
>>     it seemed really out of date and seemed to have a very small user
>>     community
> I think it is more dead than alive, I think.  There are bug-fix
> releases, including one in late 2009, but, the official gnu website
> hasn't been updated in a decade or so.  There is no git repo, so it is
> hard to know if any work is being done on it.

I've just created svg and ps versions of one graph using "graph."
Pretty easy.  The big problem is getting the look of the rest of my
LaTeX document within the graph (e.g. axis labels).  I wouldn't want to
get a new look just so I can use a particular graphing package when
another offers the more flexible option.

> What is the state of the are in open-source plot libraries these days?

It seems the best options are GNUPLOT and a relative newcomer called
PLPlot[1] that I will try out today.


[1]  http://plplot.sourceforge.net/

Joel J. Adamson
Servedio Lab
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

FSF Member #8164

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