Good, good.

On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 7:58 PM, Panicz Maciej Godek <>

> 2016-02-07 22:51 GMT+01:00, Lawrence Bottorff <>:
> > I've got this <> fork going where
> I've
> > done some editing (grammar, style, spelling, etc.) on the book (up to
> > "Reporting bugs." Let me know what you think.
> I'm really impressed! Thanks! :)
> However, I do have some remarks:
> 1. if possible, it would be nice if you could keep the lines up to 80
> columns each (60 columns is preferable). I do editing in Emacs in
> terminal on a very tiny display and I often split the screen in two
> halves for comparatory editing.
> The only exception are links that are more than 80 columns long.
> 2. in the line 161, you expanded the sentence "The first chapter
> introduces all the elementary notions needed for programming" with the
> adverbial "in Scheme". My original intent was that -- although the
> syntactic guise of the programs expressed is obviously Scheme -- the
> presented notions (of definition, reduction and substitution) are
> required to do programming in general.


> 3. I'm not quite convinced whether \texttt{equivalence-classes} should
> be replaced with \textit{equivalence-classes}. If we actually decide
> to do so, I think it would be better to replace it as
> \textit{equivalence classes}. However, although the italics are
> actually used to refer to new notions, and typewriter font to refer to
> notions/functions defined in Scheme, that use case is closer to
> mentioning, than defining -- and I thought it would fall into memory
> easier if the reader could see that "this is actually a Scheme
> function indeed". (This won't be obvious during the first reading, so
> I think it would be best to put the decision off for now)

good . . . it's just that it bleeds into the margin (on your original pdf)
. . . any way to correct that?

> 4. I don't think that we need to add (line 192) that we mean "the
> phenomena in the +real+ world". We could also mean the phenomena in
> the world of ideas, or  some fictional world. Either way, this is
> unobvious from the philosophical point of view ;]

I didn't change this? But looking at it I'd say ". . . Internalizing a
definition is not always a
pleasant task, because it requires the intellectual effort of focusing and
remembering." (*the *instead of *an*)

> 5. I think you got the "reading programs isn't like reading novels"
> (196) opposite to my intention, which was that the programs have a
> higher level of generality (which is rather unfamiliar) -- novels are
> more concrete and less general.

Changed it to  ". . . Because of their familiar narrative specificity, we
typically absorb stories almost effortlessly."

> (I wonder whether we should switch to private correspondence, or
> doesn't anyone mind having such updates here?)
> > In general, I think Scheme desperately needs an "O'Reilly"-style book.
> Sometimes I wonder. On one hand, our community could benefit if Guile
> was more fashionable. I think that in practice, our situation is
> similar to that of Erlang. Garret Smith (the author of "Erlang The
> Movie II: the sequel", the best movie on the whole Internet) said that
> "github is the Erlang's package manager" -- which is much more tedious
> than, say, pip or ruby gems. And while some implementations of Scheme
> provide nice solutions with this regard (most notably Chicken's eggs),
> I think that -- similarly to Erlangers -- we mostly need to rely on
> the fact that  even if they are complex, well written functional
> programs are easy to understand and compose. (This is also why I
> thought writing a booklet is better than just publishing those
> libraries, because creating them was really effortless. Also, I think
> that the kind of software literacy that Scheme promotes is much more
> important and far-reaching than even the most complete set of
> libraries imaginable)
> I think that the problem of Scheme is that it is best characterized
> not by what it allows to do, but what it doesn't forbid to do, and
> comprehending this "negative" characteristic requires much more
> imagination.
> > Question: What should we say when someone asks, "Why should I fool with a
> > new programming language when there's Matlab/Mathematica/etc.?"
> The way I see it, this is a field where there's constant change --
> there was Octave, but then R emerged, and now Julia is gaining
> popularity.
> Certailny, the language itself (Scheme, that is) has been good enough
> for at least two decades. What I think is needed is a set of
> accessible tools that would provide immediate benefits from the Lisp's
> syntax. For instance, Emacs is a really great environment for lispers,
> but it is accessible only to those that already know Emacs. The dr
> Racket envrionment is way more accessible, but while it's good for
> education, I don't think I would want to use it for editing.
> I think that LightTable is a very nice tool, but is focused on
> Clojure, which is targetted to the JVM platform.
> > I think this is a great project. I myself have recently started something
> > similar which shamelessly puts coding (in Scheme) together with high
> school
> > math. Two things I want to avoid is 1) having other "blub" languages fill
> > this yawning gap (read Python), and 2) helping cushion the computer
> science
> > wall where hot-shot high-school coders go to college, major in comp-sci
> . .
> > . and then hit the comp-sci wall, i.e., discrete math, theory, no more
> cool
> > coding tricks, etc.
> Honestly, I think that Python is a very good tool for many practical
> applications. I often use it at work, where I wouldn't be able to
> convince anyone to use a language with "all those weird parentheses".
> On the other hand, I don't think that I would want to build anything
> complex or serious in Python, because of its inherent limitations.
> I believe is that we could make this cognitive revolution only through
> the minds of children, that weren't spoiled by the idea that the infix
> notation is natural. Actually I do have an idea for a game that could
> teach children programming (and that uses Guile), but it's been almost
> a year since I made any greater contributions. The idea is that the
> players can control their humanoid avatars in 3d environment, and they
> can progress from fully manual control, through automating some tasks
> using scripts, to completely autonomous bots.
> If you're interested, you can have a look at the presentation that I
> made a year ago:
> Sorry for so many words ;]
> and thanks again!
> Panicz

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