2016-09-11 20:34 GMT+02:00 Andy Wingo <wi...@pobox.com>:

> On Sat 10 Sep 2016 11:37, Panicz Maciej Godek <godek.mac...@gmail.com>
> writes:
> > is there any easy way to create a channel (queue) that could be used to
> > communicate between threads? In particular, if the queue is empty, I
> would
> > like the consumer to wait until something appears in it (pretty much like
> > the channels in Clojure)
> If you are using kernel threads, you can use something like:
>   https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guile-devel/2012-02/msg00033.html
> If you are using a user-space library for lightweight concurrency like
> 8sync or something, they usually have a channel abstraction.  There is
> one in https://github.com/wingo/fibers, for example (and in that one,
> the channels are themselves threadsafe and can be used for passing data
> between fibers running on different kernel threads).  A new release is
> coming later this evening but it requires the latest development Guile.
> Hah, both look rather complicated. I eventually followed Chris' advice and
developed "my own" queues, which turned out to be a bit simplified variant
of his code:

(use-modules (ice-9 nice-9) (ice-9 q) (ice-9 threads))

(define (make-channel)
  `(,(make-q) ,(make-mutex) ,(make-condition-variable)))

(define (channel? c)
  (and-let* (((queue mutex guard) c)
             ((q? queue))
             ((mutex? mutex))
             ((condition-variable? guard)))))

(define (send! data #;through channel)
  (let (((queue mutex guard) channel))
    (with-mutex mutex
      (enq! queue data)
      (signal-condition-variable guard))))

(define (receive! #;from channel)
  (let (((queue mutex guard) channel))
    (with-mutex mutex
      (while (q-empty? queue)
        (wait-condition-variable guard mutex))
      (deq! queue))))

> I think more generally, now is a time for a lot of experimentation in
> the concurrency side of Guile; I look forward to seeing what people
> settle on :)

I came up with an interface for thread communication, but I don't know how
to implement it -- maybe you (or someone else) would be able to help, or at
least warn not to go that way.

I am trying to extend my SLAYER framework to support reactive programming.
I came up with the following architecture: the event system gathers events
and puts them into a queue, for example, pressing key k causes a '(key-down
k) event to appear.

(define EVENT-QUEUE (make-channel))

(set-event-handler! (lambda (event) (send! event #;through channel)))

Then there is this update function, which takes the current state of the
world, and an event, and returns an updated event.

Thus, the evolution of the world can be understood as the fold-left on the
event queue:

(define (channel-fold update state channel)
  (let ((message (receive! #;from channel)))
    (channel-fold update (update state message) channel)))

However, if I put things that way, I have no access to the current state,
because it is only a transient variable being passed to the tail-recursive

I could of course communicate between the threads using a global variable
and assignment, but this is nasty. Instead I thought of the following
interface: I would like to have two functions, let's call them "exposed"
and "snapshot". The first one would behave like identity (or values),
except that its evaluation would cause the snapshot value of the current
thread to be set. The second function would be used to retrieve the
snapshot value, so that it could be accessed from other threads.

For example, I could define the evolution thread in the following way:

(define evolution
   (λ ()
      (λ (state action)
        (let ((state* (update state #;with action)))
          (exposed state*)))

Then, I could access the state variable using the snapshot procedure, so
that -- for example -- I could use it in the drawing routine:

 (λ ()
   (draw! (visualization (snapshot evolution)))))

What I would like about that solution is that even if the world was updated
much faster than the drawing routine could handle, the system could remain
responsive. (I also think that this interface would be nice with
time-constrained optimization algorithms, so that they could make the best
known solution available at any time)

However, the problem is that -- while procedures have their properties --
there seems to be nothing similar in the realm of threads. Normally in
similar cases I could use a thread-indexed hash table, but in the context
of multi-threading it would probably need to be protected by a mutex, and
it would likely slow things down.

Any suggestions?

Also, if the data is immutable, and only one thread does assignments, is it
OK to assume that variable reference and assignment are atomic operations,
or do I need mutices anyway?

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