I am trying to rewrite the guile bindings for gnunet to guile-bytestructures and I face an issue for two days regarding `struct GNUNET_FS_ProgressInfo`.

I attached to this mail the relevant files. In particular, download.scm
try to download a file over gnunet, if the file is in gnunet it should
succeed, actually it works on my machine. But I need to parse ProgressInfo
to know when the download is finished to be able to stop the program.
Something that is done incorrectly in current gnunet-guile bindings.

For the time being, you can compile gnunet from git:

  git clone git://gnunet.org/gnunet.git

And change the path of the shared libraries inside gnunet.scm.

I triple checked the %fs-progress-info definition, it's correct,
but I still get incorrect value for status field, see download.scm line 13.

In the mean time, I will try to setup autotools and guix recipe to work on this.

Also, I'd rather use Matt Wette ffi helper but gnunet is built around several shared library that depends on each other, it's still not clear what depends
on what, but I don't think FH supports that kind of C library.
(define-module (download))

(use-modules ((gnunet)))

(define %configuration (configuration-create))
(configuration-load! %configuration "~/src/c/gnunet/p2/p2.conf")

(define %fs-handle #f)
(define %fs-download #f)

(define (progress info)
  (pk (fs-progress-info-status info)))

 (lambda ()
   (set! %fs-handle (fs-start %configuration "guile-gnunet" progress))
   (set! %fs-download (fs-download-start %fs-handle
                                         #:filename "/tmp/out.jpg"))))
(define-module (gnunet))

(use-modules ((system foreign) #:prefix ffi:))

(use-modules ((bytestructures guile)))

(define* (dynamic-link* #:optional library-name)
  (let ((shared-object (if library-name (dynamic-link library-name) 
    (lambda (return-value function-name . arguments)
      (let ((function (dynamic-func function-name shared-object)))
        (ffi:pointer->procedure return-value function arguments)))))

;; FIXME: this MUST NOT be public, expose exceptions instead
(define-public %gnunet-ok 1)
(define-public %gnunet-system-error -1)
(define-public %gnunet-yes 1)
(define-public %gnunet-no 0)

(define (check value . message)
  "Throw a 'gnunet-error if value is not %gnunet-ok aka. 1"
  (unless (eq? value %gnunet-ok)
    (throw 'gnunet-error message)))

(define (check2 value . message)
  "If value is a %null-pointer throw a 'gnunet-error. Return the value
  (if (eq? value ffi:%null-pointer)
      (throw 'gnunet-error message)

;; bytestructures helper

(define (pointer->bytestructure desc pointer)
  (let ((size (bytestructure-descriptor-size desc)))
    (let ((bv (ffi:pointer->bytevector pointer size)))
      (make-bytestructure bv 0 desc))))

;;; gnunet-util bindings, gnunet_util_lib.h

(define util (dynamic-link* 

;; common

(define-public %scheduler-priority-keep 0)
(define-public %scheduler-priority-idle 1)
(define-public %scheduler-priority-background 2)
(define-public %scheduler-priority-default 3)
(define-public %scheduler-priority-high 4)
(define-public %scheduler-priority-ui 5)
(define-public %scheduler-priority-urgent 6)
(define-public %scheduler-priority-shutdown 7)
;; (define-public %scheduler-priority-count 8)

;; configuration

(define-public configuration-create
  (let ((func (util '* "GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_create")))
    (lambda ()
      "Create a new configuration object"

(define-public configuration-destroy!
  (let ((func (util ffi:void "GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_destroy" '*)))
    (lambda (configuration)
      "Destroy configuration object"
      (func configuration))))

(define-public configuration-load!
  (let ((func (util ffi:int "GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_load" '* '*)))
    (lambda (configuration filename)
      "Load configuration. This function will first parse the defaults
and then parse the specific configuration file to overwrite the
      (check (func configuration (ffi:string->pointer filename))
             (format #f "Impossible to load configuration at ~a" filename)))))

;; crypto, gnunet_crypto_lib.h

(define %crypto-ecdsa-public-key (bs:struct `((q-y ,(bs:vector (/ 256 8) 

;; scheduler

(define-public %scheduler-reason-none 0)
(define-public %scheduler-reason-startup 1)
(define-public %scheduler-reason-shutdown 2)
(define-public %scheduler-reason-timeout 4)
(define-public %scheduler-reason-read-ready 8)
(define-public %scheduler-reason-write-ready 16)
(define-public %scheduler-reason-prereq-done 32)

(define-public %scheduler-event-type-none 0)
(define-public %scheduler-event-type-in 1)
(define-public %scheduler-event-type-out 2)
(define-public %scheduler-event-type-hup 4)
(define-public %scheduler-event-type-error 8)
(define-public %scheduler-event-type-priority 16)
(define-public %scheduler-event-type-nval 32)

(define-public scheduler-run
  (let ((func (util ffi:void "GNUNET_SCHEDULER_run" '* '*)))
    (lambda (thunk)
      "Initialize and run scheduler.  This procedure will return when
all tasks have completed.  On systems with signals, receiving a
SIGTERM (and other similar signals) will cause
#GNUNET_SCHEDULER_shutdown to be run after the active task is
complete.  As a result, SIGTERM causes all shutdown tasks to be
scheduled with reason #GNUNET_SCHEDULER_REASON_SHUTDOWN.  (However,
tasks added afterwards will execute normally!).  Note that any
particular signal will only shut down one scheduler; applications
should always only create a single scheduler.

THUNK is task to run first (and immediately)"
      (func (ffi:procedure->pointer ffi:void thunk '()) ffi:%null-pointer))))

(define-public scheduler-add-with-reason-and-priority
  (let ((func (util ffi:void
    (lambda (thunk reason priority)
      "Continue the current execution with the given function."
      (func (ffi:procedure->pointer ffi:void thunk '())

(define-public scheduler-add-shutdown
  (let ((func (util '* "GNUNET_SCHEDULER_shutdown" '* '*)))
    (lambda (thunk)
      "Schedule a new task to be run on shutdown, that is when a
CTRL-C signal is received, or when #GNUNET_SCHEDULER_shutdown() is
being invoked.

Return unique task identifier for the job, valid until THUNK is
      (func (ffi:procedure->pointer ffi:void thunk '())))))

;; time

(define %time-absolute (bs:struct `((abs-value-us ,uint64))))

(define %time-relative (bs:struct `((rel-value-us ,uint64))))

(define-public time-absolute-get
  (let ((func (util ffi:uint64 "GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get")))
    (lambda ()
      "Return the current time in microseconds"

;;; gnunet-fs bindings

(define fs (dynamic-link* 

;; uri

(define-public string->uri
  (let ((func (fs '* "GNUNET_FS_uri_parse" '* '*)))
    (lambda (string)
      (func (ffi:string->pointer string) ffi:%null-pointer))))

(define-public uri-destroy
  (let ((func (fs ffi:void "GNUNET_FS_uri_destroy" '*)))
    (lambda (uri)
      "Destroy uri"
      (func uri))))

(define-public uri-chk-get-file-size
  (let ((func (fs ffi:uint64 "GNUNET_FS_uri_chk_get_file_size" '*)))
    (lambda (uri)
      "Size of file URI refers to"
      (func uri))))

;; other fs stuff

(define %fs-options-end 0)
(define %fs-options-download-parallelism 1)
(define %fs-options-request-parallelism 2)

(define-public %fs-flags-none 0)
(define-public %fs-flags-persistence 1)
(define-public %fs-flags-do-probes 2)

(define-public %fs-status-publish-start 0)
(define-public %fs-status-publish-resume 1)
(define-public %fs-status-publish-suspend 2)
(define-public %fs-status-publish-progress 3)
(define-public %fs-status-publish-error 4)
(define-public %fs-status-publish-completed 5)
(define-public %fs-status-publish-stopped 6)
(define-public %fs-status-download-start 7)
(define-public %fs-status-download-resume 8)
(define-public %fs-status-download-suspend 9)
(define-public %fs-status-download-progress 10)
(define-public %fs-status-download-error 11)
(define-public %fs-status-download-completed 12)
(define-public %fs-status-download-stopped 13)
(define-public %fs-status-download-active 14)
(define-public %fs-status-download-inactive 15)
(define-public %fs-status-download-lost-parent 16)
(define-public %fs-status-search-start 17)
(define-public %fs-status-search-resume 18)
(define-public %fs-status-search-resume-result 19)
(define-public %fs-status-search-suspend 20)
(define-public %fs-status-search-result 21)
(define-public %fs-status-search-result-namespace 22)
(define-public %fs-status-search-update 23)
(define-public %fs-status-search-error 24)
(define-public %fs-status-search-pause 25)
(define-public %fs-status-search-continued 26)
(define-public %fs-status-search-result-stopped 27)
(define-public %fs-status-search-result-suspend 28)
(define-public %fs-status-search-stopped 29)
(define-public %fs-status-unindex-start 30)
(define-public %fs-status-unindex-resume 31)
(define-public %fs-status-unindex-suspend 32)
(define-public %fs-status-unindex-progress 33)
(define-public %fs-status-unindex-error 34)
(define-public %fs-status-unindex-completed 35)
(define-public %fs-status-unindex-stopped 36)
(define-public %fs-status-publish-progress-directory 37)

; progress info struct

(define %fs-progress-info-publish
   `((publish-context ,uintptr_t)
     (file-information ,uintptr_t)
     (client-context ,uintptr_t)
     (parent-context ,uintptr_t)
     (filename ,uintptr_t)
     (size ,uint64)
     (eta ,%time-relative)
     (duration ,%time-relative)
     (completed ,uint64)
     (anonymity ,uint32)
      ,(bs:union `((progress
                    ,(bs:struct `((data ,uintptr_t)
                                  (offset ,uint64)
                                  (data-length ,uint64)
                                  (depth ,unsigned-int))))
                    ,(bs:struct `((completed ,uint64)
                                  (total ,uint64)
                                  (eta ,%time-relative))))
                    ,(bs:struct `((message ,uintptr_t)
                                  (chk-uri ,uintptr_t)
                                  (sks-uri ,uintptr_t))))
                    ,(bs:struct `((chk-uri ,uintptr_t)
                                  (sks-uri ,uintptr_t))))
                    ,(bs:struct `((message ,uintptr_t))))))))))

(define %fs-progress-info-download
   `((download-context ,uintptr_t)
     (client-context ,uintptr_t)
     (parent-context ,uintptr_t)
     (search-context ,uintptr_t)
     (uri ,uintptr_t)
     (filename ,uintptr_t)
     (size ,uint64)
     (eta ,%time-relative)
     (duration ,%time-relative)
     (completed ,uint64)
     (anonymity ,uint32)
     (active? ,int)
      ,(bs:union `((progress
                    ,(bs:struct `((data ,uintptr_t)
                                  (offset ,uint64)
                                  (data-length ,uint64)
                                  (block-download-duration ,%time-relative)
                                  (depth ,unsigned-int)
                                  (respect-offered ,uint32)
                                  (number-of-transmissions ,uint32))))
                    ,(bs:struct `((meta ,uintptr_t))))
                    ,(bs:struct `((meta ,uintptr_t)
                                  (message ,uintptr_t))))
                    ,(bs:struct `((message ,uintptr_t))))))))))

(define %fs-progress-info-search
   `((search-context ,uintptr_t)
     (client-context ,uintptr_t)
     (parent-context ,uintptr_t)
     (query ,uintptr_t)
     (duration ,%time-relative)
     (anonymity ,uint32)
      ,(bs:union `((result
                    ,(bs:struct `((meta ,uintptr_t)
                                  (uri ,uintptr_t)
                                  (result ,uintptr_t)
                                  (applicability-rank ,uint32))))
                    ,(bs:struct `((meta ,uintptr_t)
                                  (uri ,uintptr_t)
                                  (result ,uintptr_t)
                                  (availability-rank ,int32)
                                  (availability-certainty ,uint32)
                                  (applicability-rank ,uint32))))
                    ,(bs:struct `((client-context ,uintptr_t)
                                  (meta ,uintptr_t)
                                  (uri ,uintptr_t)
                                  (availability-rank ,int32)
                                  (availability-certainty ,uint32)
                                  (applicability-rank ,uint32)
                                  (current-probe-time ,%time-relative))))
                    ,(bs:struct `((client-context ,uintptr_t)
                                  (meta ,uintptr_t)
                                  (uri ,uintptr_t))))
                    ,(bs:struct `((client-context ,uintptr_t)
                                  (meta ,uintptr_t)
                                  (uri ,uintptr_t))))
                    ,(bs:struct `((message ,uintptr_t)
                                  (paused? ,int))))
                    ,(bs:struct `((message ,uintptr_t))))
                    ,(bs:struct `((name ,uintptr_t)
                                  (root ,uintptr_t)
                                  (meta ,uintptr_t)
                                  (pseudonym ,%crypto-ecdsa-public-key))))))))))

(define %fs-progress-info-unindex
   `((unindex-context ,uintptr_t)
     (client-context ,uintptr_t)
     (filename ,uintptr_t)
     (size ,uint64)
     (eta ,%time-relative)
     (duration ,%time-relative)
     (completed ,uint64)
      ,(bs:union `((progress
                    ,(bs:struct `((data ,uintptr_t)
                                  (offset ,uint64)
                                  (data-length ,uint64)
                                  (depth ,unsigned-int))))
                    ,(bs:struct `((message ,uintptr_t))))
                    ,(bs:struct `((message ,uintptr_t))))))))))

(define-public %fs-progress-info
      ,(bs:union `((publish ,%fs-progress-info-publish)
                   (download ,%fs-progress-info-download)
                   (search ,%fs-progress-info-search)
                   (unindex ,%fs-progress-info-unindex))))
     (status ,int)
     (handle ,uintptr_t))))

(define-public (fs-progress-info-status info)
  (bytestructure-ref info 'status))

(define (progress-callback-wrapper callback)
  (lambda (_ info)
    (callback (pointer->bytestructure %fs-progress-info info))))

(define (procedure->progress-callback callback)
  (ffi:procedure->pointer ffi:void (progress-callback-wrapper callback) '(* *)))

(define-public fs-start
  (let ((func (fs '*
                  '* '* '* '* ffi:int ffi:int ffi:unsigned-int ffi:int 
ffi:unsigned-int ffi:int)))
    (lambda* (configuration
              (flags %fs-flags-none)
              (download-parallelism 16)
              (request-parallelism (* 10 1024)))
      "Setup a connection to the file-sharing service.

Return a handle to the file-sharing service"
      (let ((handle
             (func configuration
                   (ffi:string->pointer client-name)
                   (procedure->progress-callback progress-callback)
                   ffi:%null-pointer ;; callback closure is null
                                     ;; because guile can do it
      (check2 handle "Impossible to connect to file-sharing service.")))))

(define-public fs-stop
  (let ((func (fs ffi:void "GNUNET_FS_stop" '*)))
    (lambda (handle)
      (func handle))))

(define-public %fs-download-option-none 0)
(define-public %fs-download-option-loopback-only 1)
(define-public %fs-download-option-recursive 2)
(define-public %fs-download-no-temporaries 4)
(define-public %fs-download-is-probe (ash 1 31))

(define-public fs-download-start
  (let ((func (fs '*
                  '* '* '* '* '* ffi:uint64 ffi:uint64 ffi:uint32 
ffi:unsigned-int '* '*)))
    (lambda* (handle
             (meta #f)
             (filename #f)
             (tempname #f)
             (offset 0)
             (length (uri-chk-get-file-size uri))
             (options %fs-download-option-none)
             (client-context #f)
             (parent #f))
      "Download parts of a file.  Note that this will store
the blocks at the respective offset in the given file.  Also, the
download is still using the blocking of the underlying FS
encoding.  As a result, the download may *write* outside of the
given boundaries (if offset and length do not match the 32k FS
block boundaries).

The given range can be used to focus a download towards a
particular portion of the file (optimization), not to strictly
limit the download to exactly those bytes.

HANDLE is the handle the file-sharing service.  URI is the URI of the
file (determines what to download); CHK or LOC URI.  ANONYMITY defines
the level of anonymity for the download."
      (func handle
            (or meta ffi:%null-pointer)
            (or (and filename (ffi:string->pointer filename)) ffi:%null-pointer)
            (or (and tempname (ffi:string->pointer tempname)) ffi:%null-pointer)
            (or client-context ffi:%null-pointer)
            (or parent ffi:%null-pointer)))))

;; gnunet-identity bindings

(define identity (dynamic-link* 
     This file is part of GNUnet
     Copyright (C) 2004--2013 GNUnet e.V.

     GNUnet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
     by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your
     option) any later version.

     GNUnet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
     WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     General Public License for more details.

     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     along with GNUnet; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
     Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
     Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 * @author Christian Grothoff
 * @file
 * API for file sharing via GNUnet
 * @defgroup fs FS service
 * File sharing
 * @see [Documentation](https://gnunet.org/file-sharing-service)
 * @{

#include "gnunet_util_lib.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
#if 0                           /* keep Emacsens' auto-indent happy */

 * Version number of the implementation.
 * History:
 * 1.x.x: initial version with triple GNUNET_hash and merkle tree
 * 2.x.x: root node with mime-type, filename and version number
 * 2.1.x: combined GNUNET_EC_ContentHashKey/3HASH encoding with 25:1 super-nodes
 * 2.2.x: with directories
 * 3.0.x: with namespaces
 * 3.1.x: with namespace meta-data
 * 3.2.x: with collections
 * 4.0.x: with expiration, variable meta-data, kblocks
 * 4.1.x: with new error and configuration handling
 * 5.0.x: with location URIs
 * 6.0.0: with support for OR in KSKs
 * 6.1.x: with simplified namespace support
 * 9.0.0: CPS-style integrated API
 * 9.1.1: asynchronous directory scanning
 * 9.2.0: unified K-Block and S-block format (#2564)
 * 9.3.0: base32crockford encoded URLs
#define GNUNET_FS_VERSION 0x00090300

/* ******************** URI API *********************** */

#define GNUNET_FS_URI_PREFIX "gnunet://fs/"
#define GNUNET_FS_URI_KSK_INFIX "ksk/"
#define GNUNET_FS_URI_SKS_INFIX "sks/"
#define GNUNET_FS_URI_CHK_INFIX "chk/"
#define GNUNET_FS_URI_LOC_INFIX "loc/"

 * How often do we signal applications that a probe for a particular
 * search result is running? (used to visualize probes).

 * A Universal Resource Identifier (URI), opaque.
struct GNUNET_FS_Uri;

 * Iterator over keywords
 * @param cls closure
 * @param keyword the keyword
 * @param is_mandatory is the keyword mandatory (in a search)
 * @return #GNUNET_OK to continue to iterate, #GNUNET_SYSERR to abort
typedef int
(*GNUNET_FS_KeywordIterator) (void *cls,
                              const char *keyword,
                              int is_mandatory);

 * Get a unique key from a URI.  This is for putting URIs
 * into HashMaps.  The key may change between FS implementations.
 * @param uri uri to convert to a unique key
 * @param key wherer to store the unique key
GNUNET_FS_uri_to_key (const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri,
		      struct GNUNET_HashCode *key);

 * Convert a URI to a UTF-8 String.
 * @param uri uri to convert to a string
 * @return the UTF-8 string
char *
GNUNET_FS_uri_to_string (const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri);

 * Convert keyword URI to a human readable format
 * (i.e. the search query that was used in the first place)
 * @param uri ksk uri to convert to a string
 * @return string with the keywords
char *
GNUNET_FS_uri_ksk_to_string_fancy (const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri);

 * Add the given keyword to the set of keywords represented by the URI.
 * Does nothing if the keyword is already present.
 * @param uri ksk uri to modify
 * @param keyword keyword to add
 * @param is_mandatory is this keyword mandatory?
GNUNET_FS_uri_ksk_add_keyword (struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri,
			       const char *keyword,
                               int is_mandatory);

 * Remove the given keyword from the set of keywords represented by the URI.
 * Does nothing if the keyword is not present.
 * @param uri ksk uri to modify
 * @param keyword keyword to add
GNUNET_FS_uri_ksk_remove_keyword (struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri,
                                  const char *keyword);

 * Convert a UTF-8 String to a URI.
 * @param uri string to parse
 * @param emsg where to store the parser error message (if any)
 * @return NULL on error
struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *
GNUNET_FS_uri_parse (const char *uri,
                     char **emsg);

 * Free URI.
 * @param uri uri to free
GNUNET_FS_uri_destroy (struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri);

 * How many keywords are ANDed in this keyword URI?
 * @param uri ksk uri to get the number of keywords from
 * @return 0 if this is not a keyword URI
unsigned int
GNUNET_FS_uri_ksk_get_keyword_count (const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri);

 * Iterate over all keywords in this keyword URI.
 * @param uri ksk uri to get the keywords from
 * @param iterator function to call on each keyword
 * @param iterator_cls closure for @a iterator
 * @return -1 if this is not a keyword URI, otherwise number of
 *   keywords iterated over until iterator aborted
GNUNET_FS_uri_ksk_get_keywords (const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri,
                                GNUNET_FS_KeywordIterator iterator,
                                void *iterator_cls);

 * Obtain the identity of the peer offering the data
 * @param uri the location URI to inspect
 * @param peer where to store the identify of the peer (presumably) offering the content
 * @return #GNUNET_SYSERR if this is not a location URI, otherwise #GNUNET_OK
GNUNET_FS_uri_loc_get_peer_identity (const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri,
                                     struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *peer);

 * Obtain the URI of the content itself.
 * @param uri location URI to get the content URI from
 * @return NULL if argument is not a location URI
struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *
GNUNET_FS_uri_loc_get_uri (const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri);

 * Obtain the expiration of the LOC URI.
 * @param uri location URI to get the expiration from
 * @return expiration time of the URI
struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute
GNUNET_FS_uri_loc_get_expiration (const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri);

 * Construct a location URI (this peer will be used for the location).
 * This function should only be called from within gnunet-service-fs,
 * as it requires the peer's private key which is generally unavailable
 * to processes directly under the user's control.  However, for
 * testing and as it logically fits under URIs, it is in this API.
 * @param base_uri content offered by the sender
 * @param sign_key private key of the peer
 * @param expiration_time how long will the content be offered?
 * @return the location URI, NULL on error
struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *
GNUNET_FS_uri_loc_create (const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *base_uri,
                          const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPrivateKey *sign_key,
                          struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expiration_time);

 * Merge the sets of keywords from two KSK URIs.
 * @param u1 first uri
 * @param u2 second uri
 * @return merged URI, NULL on error
struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *
GNUNET_FS_uri_ksk_merge (const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *u1,
                         const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *u2);

 * Duplicate URI.
 * @param uri the URI to duplicate
 * @return copy of the URI
struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *
GNUNET_FS_uri_dup (const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri);

 * Create an FS URI from a single user-supplied string of keywords.
 * The string is broken up at spaces into individual keywords.
 * Keywords that start with "+" are mandatory.  Double-quotes can
 * be used to prevent breaking up strings at spaces (and also
 * to specify non-mandatory keywords starting with "+").
 * Keywords must contain a balanced number of double quotes and
 * double quotes can not be used in the actual keywords (for
 * example, the string '""foo bar""' will be turned into two
 * "OR"ed keywords 'foo' and 'bar', not into '"foo bar"'.
 * @param keywords the keyword string
 * @param emsg where to store an error message
 * @return an FS URI for the given keywords, NULL
 *  if keywords is not legal (i.e. empty).
struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *
GNUNET_FS_uri_ksk_create (const char *keywords,
                          char **emsg);

 * Create an FS URI from a user-supplied command line of keywords.
 * Arguments should start with "+" to indicate mandatory
 * keywords.
 * @param argc number of keywords
 * @param argv keywords (double quotes are not required for
 *             keywords containing spaces; however, double
 *             quotes are required for keywords starting with
 *             "+"); there is no mechanism for having double
 *             quotes in the actual keywords (if the user
 *             did specifically specify double quotes, the
 *             caller should convert each double quote
 *             into two single quotes).
 * @return an FS URI for the given keywords, NULL
 *  if keywords is not legal (i.e. empty).
struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *
GNUNET_FS_uri_ksk_create_from_args (unsigned int argc,
				    const char **argv);

 * Test if two URIs are equal.
 * @param u1 one of the URIs
 * @param u2 the other URI
 * @return #GNUNET_YES if the URIs are equal
GNUNET_FS_uri_test_equal (const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *u1,
                          const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *u2);

 * Is this a namespace URI?
 * @param uri the uri to check
 * @return #GNUNET_YES if this is an SKS uri
GNUNET_FS_uri_test_sks (const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri);

 * Create an SKS URI from a namespace ID and an identifier.
 * @param ns pseudonym to use
 * @param id identifier
 * @return an FS URI for the given namespace and identifier
struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *
GNUNET_FS_uri_sks_create (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPublicKey *ns,
			  const char *id);

 * Get the public key of a namespace from the given
 * namespace URI.
 * @param uri the uri to get the namespace ID from
 * @param pseudonym where to store the public key of the namespace
 * @return #GNUNET_OK on success
GNUNET_FS_uri_sks_get_namespace (const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri,
                                 struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPublicKey *pseudonym);

 * Get the content identifier of an SKS URI.
 * @param uri the sks uri
 * @return NULL on error (not a valid SKS URI)
char *
GNUNET_FS_uri_sks_get_content_id (const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri);

 * Is this a keyword URI?
 * @param uri the uri
 * @return #GNUNET_YES if this is a KSK uri
GNUNET_FS_uri_test_ksk (const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri);

 * Is this a file (or directory) URI?
 * @param uri the uri to check
 * @return #GNUNET_YES if this is a CHK uri
GNUNET_FS_uri_test_chk (const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri);

 * What is the size of the file that this URI
 * refers to?
 * @param uri the CHK (or LOC) URI to inspect
 * @return size of the file as specified in the CHK URI
GNUNET_FS_uri_chk_get_file_size (const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri);

 * Is this a location URI?
 * @param uri the uri to check
 * @return #GNUNET_YES if this is a LOC uri
GNUNET_FS_uri_test_loc (const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri);

 * Construct a keyword-URI from meta-data (take all entries
 * in the meta-data and construct one large keyword URI
 * that lists all keywords that can be found in the meta-data).
 * @param md metadata to use
 * @return NULL on error, otherwise a KSK URI
struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *
GNUNET_FS_uri_ksk_create_from_meta_data (const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData

/* ******************** command-line option parsing API *********************** */

 * Allow user to specify keywords.
 * @param shortName short name of the option
 * @param name long name of the option
 * @param argumentHelp help text for the option argument
 * @param description long help text for the option
 * @param[out] topKeywords set to the desired value
struct GNUNET_GETOPT_CommandLineOption
                           const char *name,
                           const char *argumentHelp,
                           const char *description,
                           struct GNUNET_FS_Uri **topKeywords);

 * Allow user to specify metadata.
 * @param shortName short name of the option
 * @param name long name of the option
 * @param argumentHelp help text for the option argument
 * @param description long help text for the option
 * @param[out] metadata set to the desired value
struct GNUNET_GETOPT_CommandLineOption
                           const char *name,
                           const char *argumentHelp,
                           const char *description,
                           struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData **meta);

 * Command-line option parser function that allows the user to specify
 * one or more '-m' options with metadata.  Each specified entry of
 * the form "type=value" will be added to the metadata.  A pointer to
 * the metadata must be passed as the "scls" argument.
 * @param ctx command line processor context
 * @param scls must be of type `struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData **`
 * @param option name of the option (typically 'k')
 * @param value command line argument given
 * @return #GNUNET_OK on success
GNUNET_FS_getopt_set_metadata (struct GNUNET_GETOPT_CommandLineProcessorContext *ctx,
                               void *scls,
                               const char *option,
                               const char *value);

/* ************************* sharing API ***************** */

 * Possible status codes used in the callback for the
 * various file-sharing operations.  On each file (or search),
 * the callback is guaranteed to be called once with "START"
 * and once with STOPPED; calls with PROGRESS, ERROR or COMPLETED
 * are optional and depend on the circumstances; parent operations
 * will be STARTED before child-operations and STOPPED after
 * their respective child-operations.  START and STOP signals
 * are typically generated either due to explicit client requests
 * or because of suspend/resume operations.
enum GNUNET_FS_Status
   * Notification that we have started to publish a file structure.

   * Notification that we have resumed sharing a file structure.

   * Notification that we have suspended sharing a file structure.

   * Notification that we are making progress sharing a file structure.

   * Notification that an error was encountered  sharing a file structure.
   * The application will continue to receive resume/suspend events for
   * this structure until "GNUNET_FS_publish_stop" is called.

   * Notification that we completed sharing a file structure.
   * The application will continue to receive resume/suspend events for
   * this structure until "GNUNET_FS_publish_stop" is called.

   * Notification that we have stopped
   * the process of uploading a file structure; no
   * futher events will be generated for this action.

   * Notification that we have started this download.

   * Notification that this download is being resumed.

   * Notification that this download was suspended.

   * Notification about progress with this download.

   * Notification that this download encountered an error.

   * Notification that this download completed.  Note that for
   * directories, completion does not imply completion of all files in
   * the directory.

   * Notification that this download was stopped
   * (final event with respect to this action).

   * Notification that this download is now actively being
   * pursued (as opposed to waiting in the queue).

   * Notification that this download is no longer actively
   * being pursued (back in the queue).

   * Notification that this download is no longer part of a
   * recursive download or search but now a 'stand-alone'
   * download (and may thus need to be moved in the GUI
   * into a different category).

   * First event generated when a client requests
   * a search to begin or when a namespace result
   * automatically triggers the search for updates.

   * Last event when a search is being resumed;
   * note that "GNUNET_FS_SEARCH_START" will not
   * be generated in this case.

   * Event generated for each search result
   * when the respective search is resumed.

   * Last event when a search is being suspended;
   * note that "GNUNET_FS_SEARCH_STOPPED" will not
   * be generated in this case.

   * This search has yielded a result.

   * We have discovered a new namespace.

   * We have additional data about the quality
   * or availability of a search result.

   * Signals a problem with this search.

   * Signals that this search was paused.

   * Signals that this search was continued (unpaused).

   * Event generated for each search result
   * when the respective search is stopped.

   * Event generated for each search result
   * when the respective search is suspended.

   * Last message from a search; this signals
   * that there will be no further events associated
   * with this search.

   * Notification that we started to unindex a file.

   * Notification that we resumed unindexing of a file.

   * Notification that we suspended unindexing a file.

   * Notification that we made progress unindexing a file.

   * Notification that we encountered an error unindexing
   * a file.

   * Notification that the unindexing of this file
   * was completed.

   * Notification that the unindexing of this file
   * was stopped (final event for this action).

   * Notification that we are making progress sharing a directory.


 * Handle for controlling an upload.
struct GNUNET_FS_PublishContext;

 * Handle for controlling an unindexing operation.
struct GNUNET_FS_UnindexContext;

 * Handle for controlling a search.
struct GNUNET_FS_SearchContext;

 * Result from a search.  Opaque handle to refer to the search
 * (typically used when starting a download associated with the search
 * result).
struct GNUNET_FS_SearchResult;

 * Context for controlling a download.
struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext;

 * Handle for detail information about a file that is being publishd.
 * Specifies metadata, keywords, how to get the contents of the file
 * (i.e. data-buffer in memory, filename on disk) and other options.
struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation;

 * Argument given to the progress callback with
 * information about what is going on.
struct GNUNET_FS_ProgressInfo

   * Values that depend on the event type.

     * Values for all "GNUNET_FS_STATUS_PUBLISH_*" events.

       * Context for controlling the upload.
      struct GNUNET_FS_PublishContext *pc;

       * Information about the file that is being publishd.
      const struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *fi;

       * Client context pointer (set the last time by the client for
       * this operation; initially NULL on START/RESUME events).
      void *cctx;

       * Client context pointer for the parent operation
       * (if this is a file in a directory or a subdirectory).
      void *pctx;

       * Name of the file being published; can be NULL.
      const char *filename;

       * How large is the file overall?  For directories,
       * this is only the size of the directory itself,
       * not of the other files contained within the
       * directory.
      uint64_t size;

       * At what time do we expect to finish the upload?
       * (will be a value in the past for completed
       * uploads).
      struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative eta;

       * How long has this upload been actively running
       * (excludes times where the upload was suspended).
      struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative duration;

       * How many bytes have we completed?
      uint64_t completed;

       * What anonymity level is used for this upload?
      uint32_t anonymity;

       * Additional values for specific events.

	 * These values are only valid for

	   * Data block we just published.
          const void *data;

	   * At what offset in the file is "data"?
          uint64_t offset;

	   * Length of the data block.
          uint64_t data_len;

	   * Depth of the given block in the tree;
	   * 0 would be the lowest level (DBLOCKs).
          unsigned int depth;

        } progress;

	 * These values are only valid for

	   * How far are we along in the overall directory?
          uint64_t completed;

	   * How big do we estimate the entire directory to be?
          uint64_t total;

           * At what time do we expect to finish the upload of the
           * CONTENTS of the directory. (The direcory itself will take
           * extra time, indicated with the "eta" member at the
           * "publish"-level of this struct.)
          struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative eta;

        } progress_directory;

	 * These values are only valid for

	   * Error message, NULL if no error was encountered so far.
          const char *message;

	   * URI of the file (if the download had been completed)
          const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *chk_uri;

	   * SKS URI of the file (if the download had been completed)
          const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *sks_uri;

        } resume;

	 * These values are only valid for

	   * CHK URI of the file.
          const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *chk_uri;

	   * SKS URI of the file (if the download had been completed)
          const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *sks_uri;

        } completed;

	 * These values are only valid for

	   * Error message, never NULL.
          const char *message;

        } error;

      } specifics;

    } publish;

     * Values for all "GNUNET_FS_STATUS_DOWNLOAD_*" events.

       * Context for controlling the download.
      struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext *dc;

       * Client context pointer (set the last time
       * by the client for this operation; initially
       * NULL on START/RESUME events).
      void *cctx;

       * Client context pointer for the parent operation
       * (if this is a file in a directory or a subdirectory).
      void *pctx;

       * Client context pointer for the associated search operation
       * (specifically, context pointer for the specific search
       * result, not the overall search); only set if this
       * download was started from a search result.
      void *sctx;

       * URI used for this download.
      const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri;

       * Name of the file that we are downloading.
      const char *filename;

       * How large is the download overall?  This
       * is NOT necessarily the size from the
       * URI since we may be doing a partial download.
      uint64_t size;

       * At what time do we expect to finish the download?
       * (will be a value in the past for completed
       * uploads).
      struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative eta;

       * How long has this download been active?
      struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative duration;

       * How many bytes have we completed?
      uint64_t completed;

       * What anonymity level is used for this download?
      uint32_t anonymity;

       * Is the download currently active.
      int is_active;

       * Additional values for specific events.

	 * These values are only valid for

	   * Data block we just obtained, can be NULL (even if
	   * data_len > 0) if we found the entire block 'intact' on
	   * disk.  In this case, it is also possible for 'data_len'
	   * to be larger than an individual (32k) block.
          const void *data;

	   * At what offset in the file is "data"?
          uint64_t offset;

	   * Length of the data block.
          uint64_t data_len;

	   * How much time passed between us asking for this block and
           * actually getting it? #GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_FOREVER_REL if unknown.
          struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative block_download_duration;

	   * Depth of the given block in the tree;
	   * 0 would be the lowest level (DBLOCKS).
          unsigned int depth;

	   * How much respect did we offer for downloading this block? (estimate,
	   * because we might have the same request pending for multiple clients,
	   * and of course because a transmission may have failed at a lower
	   * layer).
          uint32_t respect_offered;

	   * How often did we transmit the request? (estimate,
	   * because we might have the same request pending for multiple clients,
	   * and of course because a transmission may have failed at a lower
	   * layer).
          uint32_t num_transmissions;

        } progress;

	 * These values are only valid for

	   * Known metadata for the download.
          const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *meta;

        } start;

	 * These values are only valid for

	   * Known metadata for the download.
          const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *meta;

	   * Error message, NULL if we have not encountered any error yet.
          const char *message;

        } resume;

	 * These values are only valid for

	   * Error message.
          const char *message;

        } error;

      } specifics;

    } download;

     * Values for all "GNUNET_FS_STATUS_SEARCH_*" events.

       * Context for controlling the search, NULL for
       * searches that were not explicitly triggered
       * by the client (i.e., searches for updates in
       * namespaces).
      struct GNUNET_FS_SearchContext *sc;

       * Client context pointer (set the last time by the client for
       * this operation; initially NULL on START/RESUME events).  Note
       * that this value can only be set on START/RESUME; returning
       * non-NULL on RESULT/RESUME_RESULT will actually update the
       * private context for "UPDATE" events.
      void *cctx;

       * Client parent-context pointer; NULL for top-level searches,
       * refers to the client context of the associated search result
       * for automatically triggered searches for updates in
       * namespaces.  In this case, 'presult' refers to that search
       * result.
      void *pctx;

       * What query is used for this search
       * (list of keywords or SKS identifier).
      const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *query;

       * How long has this search been actively running
       * (excludes times where the search was paused or
       * suspended).
      struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative duration;

       * What anonymity level is used for this search?
      uint32_t anonymity;

       * Additional values for specific events.

	 * These values are only valid for

	   * Metadata for the search result.
          const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *meta;

	   * URI for the search result.
          const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri;

	   * Handle to the result (for starting downloads).
          struct GNUNET_FS_SearchResult *result;

	   * Applicability rank (the larger, the better the result
	   * fits the search criteria).
          uint32_t applicability_rank;

        } result;

	 * These values are only valid for

	   * Metadata for the search result.
          const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *meta;

	   * URI for the search result.
          const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri;

	   * Handle to the result (for starting downloads).
          struct GNUNET_FS_SearchResult *result;

	   * Current availability rank (negative:
	   * unavailable, positive: available)
          int32_t availability_rank;

	   * On how many total queries is the given
	   * availability_rank based?
          uint32_t availability_certainty;

	   * Updated applicability rank (the larger,
	   * the better the result fits the search
	   * criteria).
          uint32_t applicability_rank;

        } resume_result;

	 * These values are only valid for

	   * Private context set for for this result
	   * during the "RESULT" event.
          void *cctx;

	   * Metadata for the search result.
          const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *meta;

	   * URI for the search result.
          const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri;

	   * Current availability rank (negative:
	   * unavailable, positive: available)
          int32_t availability_rank;

	   * On how many total queries is the given
	   * availability_rank based?
          uint32_t availability_certainty;

	   * Updated applicability rank (the larger,
	   * the better the result fits the search
	   * criteria).
          uint32_t applicability_rank;

	   * How long has the current probe been active?
	  struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative current_probe_time;

        } update;

	 * These values are only valid for
	 * These events are automatically triggered for
	 * each search result before the
	 * happens primarily to give the client a chance
	 * to clean up the "cctx" (if needed).

	   * Private context set for for this result
	   * during the "RESULT" event.
          void *cctx;

	   * Metadata for the search result.
          const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *meta;

	   * URI for the search result.
          const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri;

        } result_suspend;

	 * These values are only valid for
	 * These events are automatically triggered for
	 * each search result before the
	 * happens primarily to give the client a chance
	 * to clean up the "cctx" (if needed).

	   * Private context set for for this result
	   * during the "RESULT" event.
          void *cctx;

	   * Metadata for the search result.
          const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *meta;

	   * URI for the search result.
          const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri;

        } result_stopped;

	 * These values are only valid for

	   * Error message, NULL if we have not encountered any error yet.
          const char *message;

	   * Is this search currently paused?
          int is_paused;

        } resume;

	 * These values are only valid for

	   * Error message.
          const char *message;

        } error;


	   * Short, human-readable name of the namespace.
          const char *name;

	   * Root identifier for the namespace, can be NULL.
          const char *root;

	   * Metadata for the namespace.
          const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *meta;

	   * Public key of the namespace.
          struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPublicKey pseudonym;

        } ns;

      } specifics;

    } search;

     * Values for all "GNUNET_FS_STATUS_UNINDEX_*" events.

       * Context for controlling the unindexing.
      struct GNUNET_FS_UnindexContext *uc;

       * Client context pointer (set the last time
       * by the client for this operation; initially
       * NULL on START/RESUME events).
      void *cctx;

       * Name of the file that is being unindexed.
      const char *filename;

       * How large is the file overall?
      uint64_t size;

       * At what time do we expect to finish unindexing?
       * (will be a value in the past for completed
       * unindexing opeations).
      struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative eta;

       * How long has this upload been actively running
       * (excludes times where the upload was suspended).
      struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative duration;

       * How many bytes have we completed?
      uint64_t completed;

       * Additional values for specific events.

	 * These values are only valid for

	   * Data block we just unindexed.
          const void *data;

	   * At what offset in the file is "data"?
          uint64_t offset;

	   * Length of the data block.
          uint64_t data_len;

	   * Depth of the given block in the tree;
	   * 0 would be the lowest level (DBLOCKS).
          unsigned int depth;

        } progress;

	 * These values are only valid for

	   * Error message, NULL if we have not encountered any error yet.
          const char *message;

        } resume;

	 * These values are only valid for

	   * Error message.
          const char *message;

        } error;

      } specifics;

    } unindex;

  } value;

   * Specific status code (determines the event type).
  enum GNUNET_FS_Status status;

   * File-sharing handle that generated the event.
  struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *fsh;

 * Notification of FS to a client about the progress of an
 * operation.  Callbacks of this type will be used for uploads,
 * downloads and searches.  Some of the arguments depend a bit
 * in their meaning on the context in which the callback is used.
 * @param cls closure
 * @param info details about the event, specifying the event type
 *        and various bits about the event
 * @return client-context (for the next progress call
 *         for this operation; should be set to NULL for
 *         SUSPEND and STOPPED events).  The value returned
 *         will be passed to future callbacks in the respective
 *         field in the `struct GNUNET_FS_ProgressInfo`.
typedef void *
(*GNUNET_FS_ProgressCallback) (void *cls,
                               const struct GNUNET_FS_ProgressInfo *info);

 * General (global) option flags for file-sharing.
enum GNUNET_FS_Flags
   * No special flags set.

   * Is persistence of operations desired?
   * (will create SUSPEND/RESUME events).

   * Should we automatically trigger probes for search results
   * to determine availability?
   * (will create #GNUNET_FS_STATUS_SEARCH_UPDATE events).

 * Options specified in the VARARGs portion of GNUNET_FS_start.

   * Last option in the VARARG list.

   * Select the desired amount of parallelism (this option should be
   * followed by an "unsigned int" giving the desired maximum number
   * of parallel downloads).

   * Maximum number of requests that should be pending at a given
   * point in time (invidivual downloads may go above this, but
   * if we are above this threshold, we should not activate any
   * additional downloads.

 * Settings for publishing a block (which may of course also
 * apply to an entire directory or file).
struct GNUNET_FS_BlockOptions

   * At what time should the block expire?  Data blocks (DBLOCKS and
   * IBLOCKS) may still be used even if they are expired (however,
   * they'd be removed quickly from the datastore if we are short on
   * space), all other types of blocks will no longer be returned
   * after they expire.
  struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expiration_time;

   * At which anonymity level should the block be shared?
   * (0: no anonymity, 1: normal GAP, >1: with cover traffic).
  uint32_t anonymity_level;

   * How important is it for us to store the block?  If we run
   * out of space, the highest-priority, non-expired blocks will
   * be kept.
  uint32_t content_priority;

   * How often should we try to migrate the block to other peers?
   * Only used if "CONTENT_PUSHING" is set to YES, in which case we
   * first push each block to other peers according to their
   * replication levels.  Once each block has been pushed that many
   * times to other peers, blocks are chosen for migration at random.
   * Naturally, there is no guarantee that the other peers will keep
   * these blocks for any period of time (since they won't have any
   * priority or might be too busy to even store the block in the
   * first place).
  uint32_t replication_level;


 * Handle to the file-sharing service.
struct GNUNET_FS_Handle;

 * Setup a connection to the file-sharing service.
 * @param cfg configuration to use
 * @param client_name unique identifier for this client
 * @param upcb function to call to notify about FS actions
 * @param upcb_cls closure for @a upcb
 * @param flags specific attributes for fs-operations
 * @param ... list of optional options, terminated with #GNUNET_FS_OPTIONS_END
 * @return NULL on error
struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *
GNUNET_FS_start (const struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *cfg,
                 const char *client_name,
		 GNUNET_FS_ProgressCallback upcb,
                 void *upcb_cls,
		 enum GNUNET_FS_Flags flags,

 * Close our connection with the file-sharing service.
 * The callback given to #GNUNET_FS_start() will no longer be
 * called after this function returns.
 * This function MUST NOT be called from within the
 * callback itself.
 * @param h handle that was returned from #GNUNET_FS_start()
GNUNET_FS_stop (struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h);

 * Function called on entries in a `struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation` iteration.
 * @param cls closure
 * @param fi the entry in the publish-structure
 * @param length length of the file or directory
 * @param meta metadata for the file or directory (can be modified)
 * @param uri pointer to the keywords that will be used for this entry (can be modified)
 * @param bo block options (can be modified)
 * @param do_index should we index (can be modified)
 * @param client_info pointer to client context set upon creation (can be modified)
 * @return #GNUNET_OK to continue, #GNUNET_NO to remove
 *         this entry from the directory, #GNUNET_SYSERR
 *         to abort the iteration
typedef int
(*GNUNET_FS_FileInformationProcessor) (void *cls,
                                       struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *fi,
                                       uint64_t length,
                                       struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *meta,
                                       struct GNUNET_FS_Uri ** uri,
                                       struct GNUNET_FS_BlockOptions *bo,
                                       int *do_index,
                                       void **client_info);

 * Obtain the name under which this file information
 * structure is stored on disk.  Only works for top-level
 * file information structures.
 * @param s structure to get the filename for
 * @return NULL on error, otherwise filename that can be used
 *         to read this fi-struct from disk.
const char *
GNUNET_FS_file_information_get_id (struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *s);

 * Obtain the filename from the file information structure.
 * @param s structure to get the filename for
 * @return "filename" field of the structure (can be NULL)
const char *
GNUNET_FS_file_information_get_filename (struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *s);

 * Set the filename in the file information structure.
 * If filename was already set, frees it before setting the new one.
 * Makes a copy of the argument.
 * @param s structure to get the filename for
 * @param filename filename to set
GNUNET_FS_file_information_set_filename (struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *s,
                                         const char *filename);

 * Create an entry for a file in a publish-structure.
 * @param h handle to the file sharing subsystem
 * @param client_info initial client-info value for this entry
 * @param filename name of the file or directory to publish
 * @param keywords under which keywords should this file be available
 *         directly; can be NULL
 * @param meta metadata for the file
 * @param do_index #GNUNET_YES for index, #GNUNET_NO for insertion,
 *                #GNUNET_SYSERR for simulation
 * @param bo block options
 * @return publish structure entry for the file
struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *
GNUNET_FS_file_information_create_from_file (struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h,
                                             void *client_info,
                                             const char *filename,
                                             const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *keywords,
                                             const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *meta,
                                             int do_index,
                                             const struct GNUNET_FS_BlockOptions *bo);

 * Create an entry for a file in a publish-structure.
 * @param h handle to the file sharing subsystem
 * @param client_info initial client-info value for this entry
 * @param length length of the file
 * @param data data for the file (should not be used afterwards by
 *        the caller; callee will "free")
 * @param keywords under which keywords should this file be available
 *         directly; can be NULL
 * @param meta metadata for the file
 * @param do_index #GNUNET_YES for index, #GNUNET_NO for insertion,
 *                #GNUNET_SYSERR for simulation
 * @param bo block options
 * @return publish structure entry for the file
struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *
GNUNET_FS_file_information_create_from_data (struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h,
                                             void *client_info,
                                             uint64_t length,
                                             void *data,
                                             const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *keywords,
                                             const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *meta,
                                             int do_index,
                                             const struct GNUNET_FS_BlockOptions *bo);

 * Function that provides data.
 * @param cls closure
 * @param offset offset to read from; it is possible
 *            that the caller might need to go backwards
 *            a bit at times; set to UINT64_MAX to tell
 *            the reader that we won't be reading for a while
 *            (used to close the file descriptor but NOT fully
 *             clean up the reader's state); in this case,
 *            a value of '0' for max should be ignored
 * @param max maximum number of bytes that should be
 *            copied to buf; readers are not allowed
 *            to provide less data unless there is an error;
 *            a value of "0" will be used at the end to allow
 *            the reader to clean up its internal state
 * @param buf where the reader should write the data
 * @param emsg location for the reader to store an error message
 * @return number of bytes written, usually @a max, 0 on error
typedef size_t
(*GNUNET_FS_DataReader) (void *cls,
                         uint64_t offset,
                         size_t max,
                         void *buf,
                         char **emsg);

 * Create an entry for a file in a publish-structure.
 * @param h handle to the file sharing subsystem
 * @param client_info initial client-info value for this entry
 * @param length length of the file
 * @param reader function that can be used to obtain the data for the file
 * @param reader_cls closure for @a reader
 * @param keywords under which keywords should this file be available
 *         directly; can be NULL
 * @param meta metadata for the file
 * @param do_index #GNUNET_YES for index, #GNUNET_NO for insertion,
 *                #GNUNET_SYSERR for simulation
 * @param bo block options
 * @return publish structure entry for the file
struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *
GNUNET_FS_file_information_create_from_reader (struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h,
                                               void *client_info,
                                               uint64_t length,
                                               GNUNET_FS_DataReader reader,
                                               void *reader_cls,
                                               const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri
                                               const struct
                                               GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *meta,
                                               int do_index,
                                               const struct
                                               GNUNET_FS_BlockOptions *bo);

 * Create an entry for an empty directory in a publish-structure.
 * @param h handle to the file sharing subsystem
 * @param client_info initial client-info value for this entry
 * @param keywords under which keywords should this directory be available
 *         directly; can be NULL
 * @param meta metadata for the directory
 * @param bo block options
 * @param filename name of the directory; can be NULL
 * @return publish structure entry for the directory , NULL on error
struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *
GNUNET_FS_file_information_create_empty_directory (struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h,
                                                   void *client_info,
                                                   const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri
                                                   const struct
                                                   const struct
                                                   GNUNET_FS_BlockOptions *bo,
                                                   const char *filename);

 * Test if a given entry represents a directory.
 * @param ent check if this FI represents a directory
 * @return #GNUNET_YES if so, #GNUNET_NO if not
GNUNET_FS_file_information_is_directory (const struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation

 * Add an entry to a directory in a publish-structure.  Clients
 * should never modify publish structures that were passed to
 * #GNUNET_FS_publish_start() already.
 * @param dir the directory
 * @param ent the entry to add; the entry must not have been
 *            added to any other directory at this point and
 *            must not include @a dir in its structure
 * @return #GNUNET_OK on success, #GNUNET_SYSERR on error
GNUNET_FS_file_information_add (struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *dir,
                                struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *ent);

 * Inspect a file or directory in a publish-structure.  Clients
 * should never modify publish structures that were passed to
 * #GNUNET_FS_publish_start already.  When called on a directory,
 * this function will FIRST call @a proc with information about
 * the directory itself and then for each of the files in the
 * directory (but not for files in subdirectories).  When called
 * on a file, @a proc will be called exactly once (with information
 * about the specific file).
 * @param dir the directory
 * @param proc function to call on each entry
 * @param proc_cls closure for @a proc
GNUNET_FS_file_information_inspect (struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *dir,
                                    GNUNET_FS_FileInformationProcessor proc,
                                    void *proc_cls);

 * Destroy publish-structure.  Clients should never destroy publish
 * structures that were passed to #GNUNET_FS_publish_start already.
 * @param fi structure to destroy
 * @param cleaner function to call on each entry in the structure
 *        (useful to clean up client_info); can be NULL; return
 *        values are ignored
 * @param cleaner_cls closure for @a cleaner
GNUNET_FS_file_information_destroy (struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *fi,
                                    GNUNET_FS_FileInformationProcessor cleaner,
                                    void *cleaner_cls);

 * Options for publishing.  Compatible options
 * can be OR'ed together.
enum GNUNET_FS_PublishOptions
   * No options (use defaults for everything).

   * Simulate publishing.  With this option, no data will be stored
   * in the datastore.  Useful for computing URIs from files.

 * Publish a file or directory.
 * @param h handle to the file sharing subsystem
 * @param fi information about the file or directory structure to publish
 * @param ns namespace to publish the file in, NULL for no namespace
 * @param nid identifier to use for the publishd content in the namespace
 *        (can be NULL, must be NULL if namespace is NULL)
 * @param nuid update-identifier that will be used for future updates
 *        (can be NULL, must be NULL if namespace or nid is NULL)
 * @param options options for the publication
 * @return context that can be used to control the publish operation
struct GNUNET_FS_PublishContext *
GNUNET_FS_publish_start (struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h,
                         struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *fi,
                         const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPrivateKey *ns,
			 const char *nid,
                         const char *nuid,
                         enum GNUNET_FS_PublishOptions options);

 * Stop a publication.  Will abort incomplete publications (but
 * not remove blocks that have already been published) or
 * simply clean up the state for completed publications.
 * Must NOT be called from within the event callback!
 * @param pc context for the publication to stop
GNUNET_FS_publish_stop (struct GNUNET_FS_PublishContext *pc);

 * Signature of a function called as the continuation of a KBlock or
 * SBlock publication.
 * @param cls closure
 * @param uri URI under which the block is now available, NULL on error
 * @param emsg error message, NULL on success
typedef void
(*GNUNET_FS_PublishContinuation) (void *cls,
                                  const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri,
                                  const char *emsg);

 * Handle to cancel publish KSK operation.
struct GNUNET_FS_PublishKskContext;

 * Publish a KBlock on GNUnet.
 * @param h handle to the file sharing subsystem
 * @param ksk_uri keywords to use
 * @param meta metadata to use
 * @param uri URI to refer to in the KBlock
 * @param bo block options
 * @param options publication options
 * @param cont continuation
 * @param cont_cls closure for @a cont
 * @return NULL on error (@a cont will still be called)
struct GNUNET_FS_PublishKskContext *
GNUNET_FS_publish_ksk (struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h,
                       const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *ksk_uri,
                       const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *meta,
                       const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri,
                       const struct GNUNET_FS_BlockOptions *bo,
                       enum GNUNET_FS_PublishOptions options,
                       GNUNET_FS_PublishContinuation cont, void *cont_cls);

 * Abort the KSK publishing operation.
 * @param pkc context of the operation to abort.
GNUNET_FS_publish_ksk_cancel (struct GNUNET_FS_PublishKskContext *pkc);

 * Handle to cancel publish SKS operation.
struct GNUNET_FS_PublishSksContext;

 * Publish an SBlock on GNUnet.
 * @param h handle to the file sharing subsystem
 * @param ns namespace to publish in
 * @param identifier identifier to use
 * @param update update identifier to use
 * @param meta metadata to use
 * @param uri URI to refer to in the SBlock
 * @param bo block options
 * @param options publication options
 * @param cont continuation
 * @param cont_cls closure for @a cont
 * @return NULL on error (@a cont will still be called)
struct GNUNET_FS_PublishSksContext *
GNUNET_FS_publish_sks (struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h,
                       const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPrivateKey *ns,
                       const char *identifier,
		       const char *update,
                       const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *meta,
                       const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri,
                       const struct GNUNET_FS_BlockOptions *bo,
                       enum GNUNET_FS_PublishOptions options,
                       GNUNET_FS_PublishContinuation cont, void *cont_cls);

 * Abort the SKS publishing operation.
 * @param psc context of the operation to abort.
GNUNET_FS_publish_sks_cancel (struct GNUNET_FS_PublishSksContext *psc);

 * Type of a function called by #GNUNET_FS_get_indexed_files.
 * @param cls closure
 * @param filename the name of the file, NULL for end of list
 * @param file_id hash of the contents of the indexed file
 * @return #GNUNET_OK to continue iteration, #GNUNET_SYSERR to abort
typedef int
(*GNUNET_FS_IndexedFileProcessor) (void *cls,
                                   const char *filename,
                                   const struct GNUNET_HashCode *file_id);

 * Handle to cancel 'GNUNET_FS_get_indexed_files'.
struct GNUNET_FS_GetIndexedContext;

 * Iterate over all indexed files.
 * @param h handle to the file sharing subsystem
 * @param iterator function to call on each indexed file
 * @param iterator_cls closure for @a iterator
 * @return NULL on error (@a iterator is not called)
struct GNUNET_FS_GetIndexedContext *
GNUNET_FS_get_indexed_files (struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h,
                             GNUNET_FS_IndexedFileProcessor iterator,
                             void *iterator_cls);

 * Cancel iteration over all indexed files.
 * @param gic operation to cancel
GNUNET_FS_get_indexed_files_cancel (struct GNUNET_FS_GetIndexedContext *gic);

 * Unindex a file.
 * @param h handle to the file sharing subsystem
 * @param filename file to unindex
 * @param cctx initial value for the client context
 * @return NULL on error, otherwise handle
struct GNUNET_FS_UnindexContext *
GNUNET_FS_unindex_start (struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h,
			 const char *filename,
                         void *cctx);

 * Clean up after completion of an unindex operation.
 * @param uc handle
GNUNET_FS_unindex_stop (struct GNUNET_FS_UnindexContext *uc);

 * Function called on updateable identifiers.
 * @param cls closure
 * @param last_id last identifier
 * @param last_uri uri used for the content published under the @a last_id
 * @param last_meta metadata associated with @a last_uri
 * @param next_id identifier that should be used for updates
typedef void (*GNUNET_FS_IdentifierProcessor) (void *cls,
					       const char *last_id,
                                               const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *last_uri,
                                               const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *last_meta,
					       const char *next_id);

 * List all of the identifiers in the namespace for which we could
 * produce an update.  Namespace updates form a graph where each node
 * has a name.  Each node can have any number of URI/meta-data entries
 * which can each be linked to other nodes.  Cycles are possible.
 * Calling this function with @a next_id NULL will cause the library to
 * call @a ip with a root for each strongly connected component of the
 * graph (a root being a node from which all other nodes in the Scc
 * are reachable).
 * Calling this function with @a next_id being the name of a node will
 * cause the library to call @a ip with all children of the node.  Note
 * that cycles within an SCC are possible (including self-loops).
 * @param h fs handle to use
 * @param ns namespace to inspect for updateable content
 * @param next_id ID to look for; use NULL to look for SCC roots
 * @param ip function to call on each updateable identifier
 * @param ip_cls closure for @a ip
GNUNET_FS_namespace_list_updateable (struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h,
				     const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPrivateKey *ns,
                                     const char *next_id,
                                     GNUNET_FS_IdentifierProcessor ip,
                                     void *ip_cls);

 * Options for searching.  Compatible options
 * can be OR'ed together.
enum GNUNET_FS_SearchOptions
     * No options (use defaults for everything).

     * Only search the local host, do not search remote systems (no P2P)

 * Start search for content.
 * @param h handle to the file sharing subsystem
 * @param uri specifies the search parameters; can be
 *        a KSK URI or an SKS URI.
 * @param anonymity desired level of anonymity
 * @param options options for the search
 * @param cctx initial value for the client context
 * @return context that can be used to control the search
struct GNUNET_FS_SearchContext *
GNUNET_FS_search_start (struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h,
                        const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri, uint32_t anonymity,
                        enum GNUNET_FS_SearchOptions options, void *cctx);

 * Pause search.
 * @param sc context for the search that should be paused
GNUNET_FS_search_pause (struct GNUNET_FS_SearchContext *sc);

 * Continue paused search.
 * @param sc context for the search that should be resumed
GNUNET_FS_search_continue (struct GNUNET_FS_SearchContext *sc);

 * Stop search for content.
 * @param sc context for the search that should be stopped
GNUNET_FS_search_stop (struct GNUNET_FS_SearchContext *sc);

 * Start download probes for the given search result.
 * @param h file-sharing handle to use for the operation
 * @param uri URI to probe
 * @param meta meta data associated with the URI
 * @param client_info client info pointer to use for associated events
 * @param anonymity anonymity level to use for the probes
 * @return the search result handle to access the probe activity
struct GNUNET_FS_SearchResult *
GNUNET_FS_probe (struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h,
		 const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri,
		 const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *meta,
		 void *client_info,
		 uint32_t anonymity);

 * Stop probe activity.  Must ONLY be used on values
 * returned from #GNUNET_FS_probe.
 * @param sr search result to stop probing for (freed)
 * @return the value of the 'client_info' pointer
void *
GNUNET_FS_probe_stop (struct GNUNET_FS_SearchResult *sr);

 * Options for downloading.  Compatible options
 * can be OR'ed together.
enum GNUNET_FS_DownloadOptions
   * No options (use defaults for everything).

   * Only download from the local host, do not access remote systems (no P2P)

   * Do a recursive download (that is, automatically trigger the
   * download of files in directories).

   * Do not append temporary data to
   * the target file (for the IBlocks).

   * Internal option used to flag this download as a 'probe' for a
   * search result.  Impacts the priority with which the download is
   * run and causes signalling callbacks to be done differently.
   * Also, probe downloads are not serialized on suspension.  Normal
   * clients should not use this!

 * Download parts of a file.  Note that this will store
 * the blocks at the respective offset in the given file.  Also, the
 * download is still using the blocking of the underlying FS
 * encoding.  As a result, the download may *write* outside of the
 * given boundaries (if offset and length do not match the 32k FS
 * block boundaries).
 * The given range can be used to focus a download towards a
 * particular portion of the file (optimization), not to strictly
 * limit the download to exactly those bytes.
 * @param h handle to the file sharing subsystem
 * @param uri the URI of the file (determines what to download); CHK or LOC URI
 * @param meta known metadata for the file (can be NULL)
 * @param filename where to store the file, maybe NULL (then no file is
 *        created on disk and data must be grabbed from the callbacks)
 * @param tempname where to store temporary file data, not used if filename is non-NULL;
 *        can be NULL (in which case we will pick a name if needed); the temporary file
 *        may already exist, in which case we will try to use the data that is there and
 *        if it is not what is desired, will overwrite it
 * @param offset at what offset should we start the download (typically 0)
 * @param length how many bytes should be downloaded starting at offset
 * @param anonymity anonymity level to use for the download
 * @param options various download options
 * @param cctx initial value for the client context for this download
 * @param parent parent download to associate this download with (use NULL
 *        for top-level downloads; useful for manually-triggered recursive downloads)
 * @return context that can be used to control this download
struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext *
GNUNET_FS_download_start (struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h,
                          const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri,
                          const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *meta,
                          const char *filename, const char *tempname,
                          uint64_t offset, uint64_t length, uint32_t anonymity,
                          enum GNUNET_FS_DownloadOptions options, void *cctx,
                          struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext *parent);

 * Download parts of a file based on a search result.  The download
 * will be associated with the search result (and the association
 * will be preserved when serializing/deserializing the state).
 * If the search is stopped, the download will not be aborted but
 * be 'promoted' to a stand-alone download.
 * As with the other download function, this will store
 * the blocks at the respective offset in the given file.  Also, the
 * download is still using the blocking of the underlying FS
 * encoding.  As a result, the download may *write* outside of the
 * given boundaries (if offset and length do not match the 32k FS
 * block boundaries).
 * The given range can be used to focus a download towards a
 * particular portion of the file (optimization), not to strictly
 * limit the download to exactly those bytes.
 * @param h handle to the file sharing subsystem
 * @param sr the search result to use for the download (determines uri and
 *        meta data and associations)
 * @param filename where to store the file, maybe NULL (then no file is
 *        created on disk and data must be grabbed from the callbacks)
 * @param tempname where to store temporary file data, not used if filename is non-NULL;
 *        can be NULL (in which case we will pick a name if needed); the temporary file
 *        may already exist, in which case we will try to use the data that is there and
 *        if it is not what is desired, will overwrite it
 * @param offset at what offset should we start the download (typically 0)
 * @param length how many bytes should be downloaded starting at offset
 * @param anonymity anonymity level to use for the download
 * @param options various download options
 * @param cctx initial value for the client context for this download
 * @return context that can be used to control this download
struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext *
GNUNET_FS_download_start_from_search (struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h,
                                      struct GNUNET_FS_SearchResult *sr,
                                      const char *filename,
                                      const char *tempname, uint64_t offset,
                                      uint64_t length, uint32_t anonymity,
                                      enum GNUNET_FS_DownloadOptions options,
                                      void *cctx);

 * Stop a download (aborts if download is incomplete).
 * @param dc handle for the download
 * @param do_delete delete files of incomplete downloads
GNUNET_FS_download_stop (struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext *dc, int do_delete);

 * Suspend a download.
 * @param dc handle for the download
GNUNET_FS_download_suspend (struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext *dc);

 * Resume a suspended download.
 * @param dc handle for the download
GNUNET_FS_download_resume (struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext *dc);

/* ******************** Directory API *********************** */

#define GNUNET_FS_DIRECTORY_MIME  "application/gnunet-directory"
#define GNUNET_FS_DIRECTORY_MAGIC "\211GND\r\n\032\n"
#define GNUNET_FS_DIRECTORY_EXT   ".gnd"

 * Does the meta-data claim that this is a directory?
 * Checks if the mime-type is that of a GNUnet directory.
 * @return #GNUNET_YES if it is, #GNUNET_NO if it is not, #GNUNET_SYSERR if
 *  we have no mime-type information (treat as #GNUNET_NO)
GNUNET_FS_meta_data_test_for_directory (const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData

 * Set the MIMETYPE information for the given
 * metadata to "application/gnunet-directory".
 * @param md metadata to add mimetype to
GNUNET_FS_meta_data_make_directory (struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *md);

 * Suggest a filename based on given metadata.
 * @param md given meta data
 * @return NULL if meta data is useless for suggesting a filename
char *
GNUNET_FS_meta_data_suggest_filename (const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *md);

 * Function used to process entries in a directory.
 * @param cls closure
 * @param filename name of the file in the directory
 * @param uri URI of the file
 * @param metadata metadata for the file; metadata for
 *        the directory if everything else is NULL/zero
 * @param length length of the available data for the file
 *           (of type size_t since data must certainly fit
 *            into memory; if files are larger than size_t
 *            permits, then they will certainly not be
 *            embedded with the directory itself).
 * @param data data available for the file (length bytes)
typedef void (*GNUNET_FS_DirectoryEntryProcessor) (void *cls,
                                                   const char *filename,
                                                   const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *
                                                   const struct
                                                   GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *
                                                   meta, size_t length,
                                                   const void *data);

 * Iterate over all entries in a directory.  Note that directories
 * are structured such that it is possible to iterate over the
 * individual blocks as well as over the entire directory.  Thus
 * a client can call this function on the buffer in the
 * GNUNET_FS_ProgressCallback.  Also, directories can optionally
 * include the contents of (small) files embedded in the directory
 * itself; for those files, the processor may be given the
 * contents of the file directly by this function.
 * @param size number of bytes in data
 * @param data pointer to the beginning of the directory
 * @param offset offset of data in the directory
 * @param dep function to call on each entry
 * @param dep_cls closure for @a dep
 * @return #GNUNET_OK if this could be a block in a directory,
 *         #GNUNET_NO if this could be part of a directory (but not 100% OK)
 *         #GNUNET_SYSERR if 'data' does not represent a directory
GNUNET_FS_directory_list_contents (size_t size, const void *data,
                                   uint64_t offset,
                                   GNUNET_FS_DirectoryEntryProcessor dep,
                                   void *dep_cls);

 * Opaque handle to a directory builder.
struct GNUNET_FS_DirectoryBuilder;

 * Create a directory builder.
 * @param mdir metadata for the directory
struct GNUNET_FS_DirectoryBuilder *
GNUNET_FS_directory_builder_create (const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData

 * Add an entry to a directory.
 * @param bld directory to extend
 * @param uri uri of the entry (must not be a KSK)
 * @param md metadata of the entry
 * @param data raw data of the entry, can be NULL, otherwise
 *        data must point to exactly the number of bytes specified
 *        by the uri
GNUNET_FS_directory_builder_add (struct GNUNET_FS_DirectoryBuilder *bld,
                                 const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri,
                                 const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *md,
                                 const void *data);

 * Finish building the directory.  Frees the
 * builder context and returns the directory
 * in-memory.
 * @param bld directory to finish
 * @param rsize set to the number of bytes needed
 * @param rdata set to the encoded directory
 * @return #GNUNET_OK on success
GNUNET_FS_directory_builder_finish (struct GNUNET_FS_DirectoryBuilder *bld,
                                    size_t * rsize, void **rdata);

/* ******************** DirScanner API *********************** */

 * Progress reasons of the directory scanner.
enum GNUNET_FS_DirScannerProgressUpdateReason

   * We've started processing a file or directory.

   * We're having trouble accessing a file (soft-error); it will
   * be ignored.

   * We've found all files (in the pre-pass).

   * We've finished extracting meta data from a file.

   * Last call to the progress function: we have finished scanning
   * the directory.

   * There was an internal error.  Application should abort the scan.


 * Function called over time as the directory scanner makes
 * progress on the job at hand.
 * @param cls closure
 * @param filename which file we are making progress on
 * @param is_directory #GNUNET_YES if this is a directory,
 *                     #GNUNET_NO if this is a file
 *                     #GNUNET_SYSERR if it is neither (or unknown)
 * @param reason kind of progress we are making
typedef void (*GNUNET_FS_DirScannerProgressCallback) (void *cls,
						      const char *filename,
						      int is_directory,
						      enum GNUNET_FS_DirScannerProgressUpdateReason reason);

 * A node of a directory tree (produced by dirscanner)
struct GNUNET_FS_ShareTreeItem
   * This is a doubly-linked list
  struct GNUNET_FS_ShareTreeItem *prev;

   * This is a doubly-linked list
  struct GNUNET_FS_ShareTreeItem *next;

   * This is a doubly-linked tree
   * NULL for top-level entries.
  struct GNUNET_FS_ShareTreeItem *parent;

   * This is a doubly-linked tree
   * NULL for files and empty directories
  struct GNUNET_FS_ShareTreeItem *children_head;

   * This is a doubly-linked tree
   * NULL for files and empty directories
  struct GNUNET_FS_ShareTreeItem *children_tail;

   * Metadata for this file or directory
  struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *meta;

   * Keywords for this file or directory (derived from metadata).
  struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *ksk_uri;

   * Name of the file/directory
  char *filename;

   * Base name of the file/directory.
  char *short_filename;

   * #GNUNET_YES if this is a directory
  int is_directory;


 * Opaque handle to an asynchronous directory scanning activity.
struct GNUNET_FS_DirScanner;

 * Start a directory scanner.
 * @param filename name of the directory to scan
 * @param disable_extractor #GNUNET_YES to not run libextractor on files (only
 *        build a tree)
 * @param ex if not NULL, must be a list of extra plugins for extractor
 * @param cb the callback to call when there are scanning progress messages
 * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
 * @return directory scanner object to be used for controlling the scanner
struct GNUNET_FS_DirScanner *
GNUNET_FS_directory_scan_start (const char *filename,
				int disable_extractor,
				const char *ex,
				GNUNET_FS_DirScannerProgressCallback cb,
				void *cb_cls);

 * Abort the scan. Must not be called from within the progress_callback
 * function.
 * @param ds directory scanner structure
GNUNET_FS_directory_scan_abort (struct GNUNET_FS_DirScanner *ds);

 * Obtain the result of the scan after the scan has signalled
 * completion.  Must not be called prior to completion.  The @a ds is
 * freed as part of this call.
 * @param ds directory scanner structure
 * @return the results of the scan (a directory tree)
struct GNUNET_FS_ShareTreeItem *
GNUNET_FS_directory_scan_get_result (struct GNUNET_FS_DirScanner *ds);

 * Process a share item tree, moving frequent keywords up and
 * copying frequent metadata up.
 * @param toplevel toplevel directory in the tree, returned by the scanner
GNUNET_FS_share_tree_trim (struct GNUNET_FS_ShareTreeItem *toplevel);

 * Release memory of a share item tree.
 * @param toplevel toplevel of the tree to be freed
GNUNET_FS_share_tree_free (struct GNUNET_FS_ShareTreeItem *toplevel);

#if 0                           /* keep Emacsens' auto-indent happy */
#ifdef __cplusplus


/** @} */  /* end of group */

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