Hey, I'm wanting to write a web page using guile, I'll need a module that can
help me with the web part. I like haunt, but I'll need a few dynamic
elements[1]. So I've been looking at and trying artanis. It is potentially
awesome and does a lot of things I'm not familiar with - and I have yet to
make it work. (I just sent a request for aid to the artanis list)

Are there other libraries or modules that eases web development? Anything
between artanis and "plain" guile?

(Another possibility I entertained is to use haunt and have the dynamic
elements be a separate html page populated by a separate process on the
server. The page would then only be linked to from the rest of the pages and
would hardcode paths for css and the rest. Not a very good solution, but
maybe the simplest right now.)

[1]: I need to embed messages from a pump.io account on the index page.
        I would also like to try integrating with one or two other web


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