Joshua Branson <> writes:

>> The common lisp bindings had some pretty nifty tools, so you might find
>> inspiration there. You can make a lot of difference with relatively
>> little effort.
> Can you elaborate?  Do you mean I can make a lot of difference by
> writing translators in python or lisp?  Or do you mean I can make a lot
> of exactly?  haha

I mean you can make a lot of difference by writing translators, in the
language you choose.

> Yeah.  I like pressing "i" in info documentation.  Also helm-info-guile
> is a nice command.

Yes, info is pretty awesome. I did not try helm-info-guile yet. Is it as
good as helm-rifle?

Best wishes,
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein
ohne es zu merken

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