
I'm happy to announce the release of guile-file-names 0.2.

The (file-names) module provides methods for manipulating file names.
Its design distinguishes between the human-friendly string format of
filenames ("/usr/bin/guile") and a more Scheme-friendly representation
to take out all the little nuisances of working with file names.

This release sees bugs fixed, under-the-hood improvements, and new
features added.  See below for an excerpt from the NEWS file.


guile-file-names-0.2.tar.gz sha256sum:

If you use the library, please consider reporting any bugs you encounter
or feature requests you might have on the issue tracker on Gitlab:


Direct email to me is also fine, if you don't have a Gitlab account.


** Features

*** Native file-globbing sub-module
A new sub-module (file-names glob) has been added.  This module
provides the <file-name> method glob, which is used to perform
"file-globbing."   File-globbing is the method of finding multiple
files, e.g. at the shell, by matching wildcards
(e.g. "/usr/lib/*.so").

glob supports shell-style wildcards (*, ?, [] and **) as
well as full regular expressions.

*** string->file-name now takes optional keyword arguments
This allows you to override system- or parsed- defaults for the
volume, separator and case-sensitivity.

*** New <file-name> methods remove-prefix and remove-prefix!
These new methods convert an absolute file name to a relative one by
removing a leading directory prefix.

*** Specialized write and display methods for <file-name> objects

Running write or display on a <file-name> object now prints a
recognizable string representation of the file name rather than the
default cryptic GOOPS-object format:

scheme@(guile-user)> (use-modules (file-names))
scheme@(guile-user)> (define f (string->file-name "/usr/bin/guile"))
scheme@(guile-user)> (simple-format #t "~a\n" f)
#<<file-name> /usr/bin/guile>

** Bugs

*** Resolving an absolute file name
It is now an explicit error if there are double-dots at the root of
the file name (e.g. "/../foo/bar").  Also, a bug was fixed where
sequential double-dots ("../../../blah.txt") were not handled correctly.

*** file-name=? now behaves correctly for relative file names.


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