On Wed, Oct 23, 2019 at 02:33:43PM +0200, pelzflorian (Florian Pelz) wrote:
> If there isn’t one already, then I would like to start working on a
> written in Guile, free software, old-school bulletin board-like
> interface, perhaps with a more modern UI design, next week.  I do not
> like Discourse and will need something like this anyway for other
> projects.  I see there already is guile-email and Mumi.  So far I had
> no time looking at either.  I would start next week.

I have rented a domain mailbaby.de (I hope the name is fine) and am in
the process of writing a Guix mailman 2 service, so we can move the
discussion on a new mailman web interface there.  Will report back
when it’s done.


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