On Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 6:04 PM Matt Wette <matt.we...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >
> I have updated this.   I now have a procedure read-yaml-file which will
> read a yaml file and convert to a scheme tree.
> Matt
> $ GUILE_LOAD_PATH= guile demo1.scm
> (("doe" . "a deer, a female deer")
>   ("ray" . "a drop of golden sun")
>   ("pi" . "3.14159")
>   ("xmas" . "true")
>   ("french-hens" . "3")
>   ("calling-birds"
>    .
>    #("huey" "dewey" "louie" "fred"))
>   ("xmas-fifth-day"
>    ("calling-birds" . "four")
>    ("french-hens" . "3")
>    ("golden-rings" . "5")
>    ("partridges"
>     ("count" . "1")
>     ("location" . "a pear tree"))
>    ("turtle-doves" . "two"))
> from
> $ cat demo1.yml
> ---
>   doe: "a deer, a female deer"
>   ray: "a drop of golden sun"
>   pi: 3.14159
>   xmas: true
>   french-hens: 3
>   calling-birds:
>     - huey
>     - dewey
>     - louie
>     - fred
>   xmas-fifth-day:
>     calling-birds: four
>     french-hens: 3
>     golden-rings: 5
>     partridges:
>       count: 1
>       location: "a pear tree"
>     turtle-doves: two
This is great! Thank you so much.


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