Catonano <> writes:

> Overall, I'd say this:
> There is level 0 of Guile packaging: that's NO packaging. You keep your
> files scattered around and they will be autocompiled
> You put your files in a git repo on line, your friends will check them out
> and autocompile them too
> Then there's level 1: when things get a bit more structured, for example
> your package may depend on some other Guile library or on a specific
> version of Guile

I’d say that level 1 is when you want you code to be (a) tools that are
pre-compiled and installed systemwide, or (b) libraries that are
available for other Guile code.

That’s when you need autotools.

Then level 2 is when you need other tools. At that point you need some
package management.

> In that case, you need to setup the autotools in your project
> Distros such as Ubuntu and Fedora will be able to distribute your package
> and your friends on Gentoo will be able to deal with them by hand
> In the future, there could be a level 2. That is: no m4 anymore !! As fas
> as I undertsand the Autoconf based machinery relies on bash to execute
> tests (is such library available ? Is Guile version >= 2.7 ?)

Autoconf is intended to be bootstrappable with minimal dependencies.
It needs some shell. At some point gash might be a suitable option.

m4 is just a very simple templating language. Should not be too hard to
implement it in Guile.

Best wishes,
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein
ohne es zu merken

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