Hi Frederik!

I usually find myself using (display (simple-format #f "blablabla: ~a\n
some-binding)) or a custom procedure wrapping it.

At some point it becomes too much and I switch to the REPL and trying
things in there, if the setup or situation is not too hard to reproduce.

Also used (pk ...) sometimes, when I am not sure an expression is ever

If this fails me, I sometimes try to think about all the custom
procedures involved and start writing tests.

If I am too lazy to do that, I find myself thinking about the problem
real hard and then usually facepalming about my own silly mistakes.

If I still don't know what's going on, I might ask on the mailing list
for help.


On 08.09.20 08:15, Catonano wrote:
> Hi Fredrik,
> Il giorno lun 7 set 2020 alle ore 22:01 Fredrik Salomonsson <
> platt...@posteo.net> ha scritto:
>> Thank you for pointing this out to me and the links to the blog posts.
> My pleasure ☺
> And as a follup question. What do people use when debugging guile code?
> I don't debug much, personally
> I know some people have been using the "pk" procedure
> It displays the arguments you pass to it in the terminal and returns the
> same arguments, untouched
> So you can sprinkle it all around
> I've had my issues with it though
> I never tried with (format #f) as you suggested
> Also, there's the "trace tool (try "(help) in the repl to read about it)
> This is all I know
> Maybe someone else can chime in, here
> Also, I'm wondering if this issue doesn't deserve a thread on its own 😶

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