I tried to boil this question down to the most simple thing that
represented what I needed to understand. I have had luck getting C
functions that expect arguments "by value," but "by reference" has been

The failure mode is "Segmentation Fault," so I gather that I may not be
using the right Guile call at all.

The Guile user manual is usually quite excellent, but I seem to be missing
something important.


;; C source for "libstuff.so":
;; file stuff.c, compiled as:
;; gcc stuff.c -o libstuff.so -fPIC -shared
void int_ptr_example1(int *a) {
    *a = 5;

;; Test loading and using the library.
(use-modules (system foreign))

(define libstuff (dynamic-link "./libstuff.so"))

(define int-ptr-example1
        (dynamic-func "int_ptr_example1" libstuff)
        (list '*)))

;; Following:
(let ([a %null-pointer])
    (int-ptr-example1 a)
    (display a)

;; Sadly, when it runs, I get a segmentation fault at the call to
;; int-ptr-example1 :(

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