On 17/08/11 10:11, Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas wrote:
> El 17/08/11 09:58, symbian11 escribió:
>> Hi,
>> The german magazine GIS.business regularly reports on new GIS products, and
>> the trio -
>> gvSIG Desktop/mobile/mini - has been chosen to be included in the next issue
>> of the magazine (October).
>> The report (4-6 pages) will be based on the available software documentation
>> and personal experiences.
>> Nonetheless it could happen that some nifty features remain undiscovered.
>> So... it would be
>> great if you could post features that set gvSIG apart from other GIS
>> products, if you know some.
>> Especially some outstanding extensions would be interesting.
>> The report will include some basic information about OS and mobile GIS,
>> followed by an introduction of
>> gvSIG. There will also be a demonstration of one or two features (e.g.
>> analysis tools) -->  suggestions are welcome on that. Finally there is a
>> wishlist that concludes the article. So you have the chance to post your
>> personal request list here and some wishes might be published.
>> regards, and thanks for your help, Chris
> Hi Chris, that's really good news!
> Apart from other experiences and comments I think it would be great if
> yo took a look on the Case Studies section[1] of the gvSIG Outreach
> portal with some good examples of how gvSIG products are being used
> around the world on very different projects.
> You can take a look also on the materials from the second gvSIG Day[2],
> specially the workshop "gvSIG Community and how to participate".
> Best regards and keep us informed!! :-)
> [1]
> http://www.gvsig.org/web/docusr/divulgacion/ponencias/2011-1/view?set_language=en
> [2] http://outreach.gvsig.org/case-studies
Hi Chris,
Apart of the comments of Jorge Sanz, as I prepared in collaboration with 
my colleagues of Prodevelop (the main developers of gvSIG Mobile and 
gvSIG Mobile and Mini) the presentations about gvSIG Mobile and gvSIG 
Mini for gvSIG Day[2], We would like to collaborate to prepare the 
report.  How can we help you to prepare the report ? Could you send us a 
draft with the schema of the report, to start to work with?
Best regards

Amelia del Rey
gvSIG Association
Business Development Manager

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