In a sense it's multi-era, but the focus is on learning flat patterning techniques to do what you want to do.

Lavolta Press

Zuzana Kraemerova wrote:

Thanks for that tip - I've seen it on before, but I didn't know 
whether it's what I'm looking for:-)) They don't say much about this book 
there, could you tell me what periods does it cover? How many different sorts 
of costumes are there? For men, women or both? Are there accessories - like 
headdresses etc. as well? How much period are the patterns (seams etc)? Are 
there patterns for corsets?
Sarah Nucci <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  The best book for drafting both historical and modern patterns is Rosmary 
Ingraham's Costume Technician's Handbook. She walks you through how to do a 
sloper and how to alter it into whatever form you want. You can also try a Flat 
Patterning book once you've mastered Rosemary's book - I use it all the time!!!

Sarah Nucci

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