
I've done a few costumes from both Serenity and Firefly and there are
several more on the to-do list.  I've done mostly repros rather than
something based off of the series so far but it would be a lot of fun just
to create something that would fit in.  Maybe for the next Browncoat Ball.
=)  And so far I have three browncoats, two I made and one was just a lucky
find at a thrift store, and I have at least one more planned.  They're good
just for wearing, don't even need an event so you can never have too many.


On 1/9/07, Sue Clemenger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hope this is okay....H-costume being the only relatively-general costume
list I'm on.
Has anyone out there ever done anything with the costumes from either the
movie or the series? For some reason, the recent thread about hall
for CostumeCon, combined with a recent Serenity marathon, has created this
odd urge to make something...different.  Something that would look good
under a brown coat.  Oh, and a brown coat, of course.
I think it would be a lot of fun to play with the combinations of western,
chinese, and futuristic style elements....
--Sue, also feeling a craving for something from Middle
Earth.....*sigh*......I don't have enough time as it is! ;o)

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