Today on the World Wide Web I stumbled across an English summary by Australian 
reenactor Peter Beatson of a recent report in Russian, about a Viking era 
archaeological find at Pskov in Russia. Apparently a grave at a dig there 
turned up two characteristic tortoise brooches, together with some folded 
textiles, in a birchbark box. (They definitely were not on a human body.)

The brooches had the remains of loops of "blue linen" around the pins inside 
them. The folded textiles were quite large. One was a panel, about a meter 
long and 26 cm wide, consisting of silk strips which the researchers deduced 
(on the basis of stitching marks that may have fastened loops) to be 
ornamentation from the top of an apron dress. The other piece appears to be a 
gathered neckline from a smock or underdress, in blue linen. A sketch of the 
possible appearance of these garments when new is provided, both with 
Beatson's summary and with the original Russian-language report by the 
Russian researchers.

Beatson's summary:

Russian report:

Cathy Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"You've got to have the proper amount of disrespect for what you do."  
-- George Mabry

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