At 19:01 17/10/2007, you wrote:
I will look at my copy of that, you do mean the Eunis Close book in the
Batsford series, yes?

Chiara Francesca

I think so - as I don't have it I don't actually know!! (But I have your nice little book on glove making - very helpful for the making side.)


When asked by a customer I was unable to answer her question, in
spite of having looked at various fashion plates of the late 18th
century (1770's). The one book I don't have in the Batsford series of
"Gloves/Shawls/Shoes/Bags" is of course gloves. Can anyone tell me if
ladies wore gloves when dancing - we are talking high status, without
being at court. If you have written or text proof I would really
appreciate a pointer in that direction, as the fashion plates are not
really helpful. They show them being worn with court dress and with
full dress, but I cannot find anything that says "Ball dress!)

Thanks for any help.


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