Ron Artstein wrote:

What the FM
needed was a line saying that in order to run a file it has to have
execute permissions *and be on a device mounted with the exec flag*.

Actually, I don't think it's the fine manual's fault at all. Mount is mount, permissions are permissions.

What I think should happen is that, when a partition is mounted "noexec", it should do just that - no exec. Even if the filesystem itself has the x flag on, it should not appear to be on.

Had that been the situation:
Try to run the program
Get "permission denied".
Do "ls" - see "-rw-rw-r--".
Do "chmod a+x a.out".
Try to run the program.
Get "permission denied" again.
Do "ls" - see "-rw-rw-r--".
Realize that something is preventing the "x" flag from being set.
Remeber "noexec" mount option.


Shachar Shemesh
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