Dear all,

I think that we did discuss this problem since the beginning of
HanoiLUG. I don't think that it's a good idea to add new mailings lists
for HanoiLUG. Let any HanoiLUG member explain their idea or make
question in his (her) prefered language (vietnamese or english) in an
unified malinglist. It's not good to dinstinguish an english-HanoiLUG
member to a (vietnamese-default) HanoiLUG one. I believe that JC has a
good intention, but I'm afraid that it incites to the separation,  ...
We will see that.


On 19/10/2010 08:31, Jean Christophe André wrote:
>     Dear HanoiLUG'ers,
> Since more and more people are expressing their concern about the
> languages used on this list, which used to be opened to 3 languages:
> Vietnamese, English and French;
> Since this list is receiving more and more post in Vietnamese (which
> is great!) and that starts to refrain some foreign people to subscribe
> to it;
> I have created 2 new mailing-lists:
> - <> for English language only;
> - <> for French language only.
> Of course we won't enforce anybody to subscribe to them and we won't
> un-subscribe anybody from this list: subscribing (and un-subscribing)
> will stay open and on a free will basis, as usual.
> So English and French speaking people are invited to subscribe to
> these lists respectively from here:
> -
> -
> Now the lists *usage* should change accordingly, as follow:
> - the original <> mailing-list won't change
> (we won't touch any subscription) except that it will now become a
> national language (= Vietnamese) only mailing-list;
> - <> is an English language only
> mailing-list;
> - <> is an French language only
> mailing-list;
> - cross-posting (eg: to announce some event) to multiple language
> dedicated mailing-lists is allowed as long as the message contains
> *all* the corresponding translations;
> - any message received on one list in the “wrong” language (eg: in
> English or French on the old “hanoilug” list) shall be *politely*
> redirected to the right mailing-list, through a *private* answer to
> the original sender (please, please, please, do not reply on the list!).
> Note that other languages flavors may be created on request.
> Best regards, JC.
> -- 
> Jean Christophe "プログフ" ANDRÉ   — ✧ —   Responsable technique régional
> Bureau Asie–Pacifique (BAP)    — ✧ —
> Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AuF)  — ✧ —
> Adresse postale : AUF, 21 Lê Thánh Tông, T.T. Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội, Việt Nam
> Tél. : +84 4 9331108  ✦  Fax : +84 4 8247383  ✦  Cellul. : +84 91 3248747
> ⎧ Note personnelle: merci d'éviter de m'envoyer des fichiers PowerPoint ⎫
> ⎩ ou Word, cf ⎭
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> _______________________________________________
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