Le 2011-05-28 13:55 +0700, Serge Stinckwich a écrit :
> Not really, but of the discussions are not really about Linux ...

They are welcome as soon as they are related to free/libre/open
technical community interest and as far as we keep talking about

So sharing ideas about developing softwares are welcomed too.

> and what is Linux exactly ? Just the kernel ?

The name “Linux” is the name of the kernel only. But it's often used
to talk about a full OS or distribution based on the Linux kernel,
or even to talk about the free world, when we use it to oppose to some
closed/proprietary software like the one from that other company based
in Redmond, USA.

The name “HanoiLUG” came from a little group of Linux users in Hanoi
meeting in a beer place to exchange ideas and informations.

But… Is it really important here? It's not any more, IMHO.
What is important is the community of people loving to share together
we have successfully built around this name. Let's keep it as it is.
Jean Christophe ANDRÉ  —  Coordonnateur des infrastructures techniques
Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF)  —   http://www.auf.org/
✉ : AUF, 21 Lê Thánh Tông, T.T. Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội, Việt Nam
℡ : +84 4 38247382  ✦  ℻ : +84 4 38247383  ✦  Cellul. : +84 91 3248747
⎧Note personnelle: merci d'éviter de m'envoyer des fichiers Microsoft⎫
⎩Office, cf http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments        ⎭
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