
I'm using haproxy and I'm not sure about how to read the server 
affiliation from the query
string, when usually it's read from a cookie.

The normal way for clients to connect is a listener group, which distributes 
the client onto one of
the two servers in this group (affiliation will be prefixed to a cookie). If 
there is no existing
affiliation is found in the cookie, the client will be round robbed. All of 
this is working pretty good.

Now there's a special case that is happening on logout of a user: An external 
(automated) system is
sending a http GET request that has the very same "SESSIONID=<cookie 
name>~<cookie string> in the
query string, but no cookie set.

How would I be able to achieve that haproxy will dispatch this request to the 
server defined by
"cookie name"?

This is the current setup for the listener group:

listen mygroup <ip>:80
        mode http
        log     /dev/log        daemon info
        option  httplog
        option  dontlognull
        balance roundrobin

        cookie SESSIONID prefix nocache
        option httpclose
        option forwardfor
        appsession SESSIONID len 40 timeout 1h
        server server01 cookie first check inter 5000
        server server02 cookie second check inter 5000

First: appsession doesn't seem to help here, because for "normal" client 
sessions, the session table
is empty.

I was thinking about using ACLs. But in my understanding, this would mean I 
have define 1 frontend
section, 1 backend section for server01, 1 backend section for server02 and 1 
backend section for
both, so I can use "default_backend". This would be n+1 backend sections.

Am I getting something wrong? Is this the solution or is there another solution?



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