(The example should have been s3-1.amazonaws.com.)

On Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 11:21 AM, Paul Draper <p...@lucidchart.com> wrote:

> As I understand it, there seems to no way to add a server to HAProxy
> without incurring significant disruption. Adding a server requires
> reloading configuration. This loses all statistics, all health check
> information, etc. So, for instance, after adding a server, HAProxy will
> send traffic to unhealthy servers.
> I add and remove servers frequently:
> * HAProxy doesn't respect DNS TTLs, so I reresolve on a regular basis, and
> update the config. (For example, s3-1.amazon.com has 4s TTL.)
> * I scale the number of backend servers to match traffic patterns. Scaling
> actions happen at least several times a day.
> This is a frequently asked question about HAProxy, and reloading the
> configuration seems a disruptive solution (
> http://serverfault.com/questions/165883/is-there-a-way-to-add-more-backend-server-to-haproxy-without-restarting-haproxy#comment181125_165885
> ).
> I'm willing to make non-HAProxy changes in my system, e.g. with iptables,
> though I haven't conceived a way that anything else would solve the problem.
> Andreas Kohn attempted to allow adding and removing via the stats socket
> in 2010: http://marc.info/?t=129189972500003&r=1&w=2
> What's the feasibility of adding and removing servers dynamically? Is
> there a better way to achieve these goals? Should I look into an HAProxy
> patch, or would I be wasting my time?

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