COX is likely hijacking your SMTP session!

Try using telnetting to the SMTP & do the email by
hand, bet you'll be surprised 
who's SMTP server answers! You might be able to get
around this by using the other 
SMTP port # which I don't have in front of me. If you
contact GoDaddy I'll be they 
have such a port setup & will give you the info.

I'd switch to gmail for list mail if you are having
inbound issues because Y! & HM 
both charge for SMTP/POP3 access and webmail is evil

Winterlight wrote:
> I use Eudora to pop my own domain names which are
hosted at Godaddy. My 
> ISP is COX. I am having more, and more trouble
getting email from 
> legitimate sources. It started out when trying to
reply to customer 
> service, or customer support type email addresses. I
could get the mail, 
> but I replying to them was blocked by COX, ... at
least I assumed it was 
> COX, even on Goddadys SMTP.
>  For example,  a support email from Canon =
> Or anything to do with Craigs List.  Typically, I
will send in a support 
> request from their web support page. They will reply
to me, and then I 
> can not send out a reply from Eudora... because it
will be blocked as a 
> not allowed domain name. I will then have to log
into the Godaddy 
> interface, and send it that way. Then I get a reply
in Eudora and back I 
> go into the web interface to reply.... it sucks.
> It just keeps getting worse, and worse to the point
where now I am not 
> getting my paid subscription from
> will have to switch to getting it in hotmail,  or
when I inputted phone 
> numbers at I didn't get any email
confirmations... until I 
> ran it through my address, which worked
just fine.
> What is causing this?...COX? and is there any way to
mitigate this?
> Thanks

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