
I apologize for the delay. I have added to our website (please allow up to 4 hours from now for propagation to public site) :

1) Our proposed contribution framework for the project. This should currently be considered 'proposed' as we do the final nip-and-tucks, and get any remaining comments from the community. I believe there was general support and consensus, except for some minor issues :

- requiring a CCLA from employers : I've dropped this, as it's impractical, although we must encourage people to get them if possible, and should work to set an example if we can

- require a formal resolution of non-competes : We had that we required anyone under a non-compete to be required to get a resolution from their former employer. I thought there was some opposition to this, so I've softened it to be for areas that overlap with the Apache harmony project. We may want to revert back to a requirement, but I'd love to hear some feedback.

2) I borrowed the project governance guidelines from the Apache HTTPD project and posted them as our proposed guidelines. They certainly require some additional work, but we needed a starting point, and there it is :)

I will follow this note w/ my legal to-do list to keep things clear.


Geir Magnusson Jr                                  +1-203-665-6437

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