what happened when you tried to attach it?

Weldon Washburn wrote:
 Archie, Tim,

I tried to attach a zip file but harmony-dev rejected it.  I also
tried to post the zip file to harmony/jira.  It did not work.  I will
mail the zip file to you out of band while I try to figure out how to
upload the zip file.

Sent separately is a zip file containing a first cut at gluing Harmony Class
Library to the native methods exposed by JCHEVM.   I call this glue,
"kernel_path".   So far, no mods have been made to any JCHEVM files.
All modifications to date have been to java files contained in the
Harmony Class Library (HCL) kernel directory.

We can use the above to start the debate on how files like Thread.java
should be designed.  We should also decide where to put kernel_path.
Meanwhile, I plan to build jchevm and attempt to run hello_world.java
using HCL.

Let me know what you think.

Weldon Washburn
Intel Middleware Products Division

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