On Thu, Mar 16, 2006 at 10:14:47AM -0800, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
> Mark Hindess wrote:
> >Our local builds now complete a two stage build.  First with a
> >certified JDK and then with the eclipse compiler running on the VME
> >and deploy directory from the first stage build.  They then run the
> >tests.
> >
> >I'm also generating some reports as part of the build.  The JAPI reports
> >currently show:
> >
> >  JDK    Good     Bad     Missing   Abs-add
> >  jdk14  17.56%   0.01%   82.42%    0%
> >  jdk15  15.37%   0.52%   84.09%    -
> >
> >I'm also reporting against some manually created class lists [1] for
> >running a number of applications.  These are currently reporting:
> >
> >  Application     JRE Classes
> >                  %     Found/Total
> >  derby           99.64   277/278
> >  tomcat          93.22   330/354
> >  continuum       92.94   408/439
> >  axis            90.93   361/397
> >  geronimo-jetty  81.68   495/606
> >
> >I'll put the missing classes lists on the wiki shortly (under
> >http://wiki.apache.org/harmony/ClassLibrary).
> >
> >Geir, these builds are relatively stable now so I'd be happy to consider
> >what can be done to get them running on Apache infrastructure?
> We could, in theory, ask infra@ to give us a solaris zone, but I'm not 
> sure this is kosher since we are under incubation, I guess the incubator 
> PMC would have to be responsible for that.

Yeah I guess so. But solaris wouldn't be much help right now, would it?

The 'thing to do' here is to define what we need as a project (taking care
to seperate must-haves from nice-to-haves) and ask for it. There's probably
not enough resources to do all we want to do, but there should be some.

> If not, I would suggest we ask the Gump PMC (of which leo, sam and I are 
> part of) and maybe we can run that on vmgump.apache.org
> thoughts?

If these builds are automatable to the extent of consisting of a sequence
of SVN updates followed by some shell scripts / ant scripts / makefiles
then we can just add project definitions to gump and it can take care of
them for us.

If that doesn't work, vmgump is called "vm"gump because it is a vmware
virtual machine, so there might be room for another "harmony" virtual
machine there.

I'm way behind on harmony-dev e-mail at the moment so if I need to give some
specific input on something one option is to CC me directly (another is to
wait :-)).


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