Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
> Ivan Volosyuk wrote:
>> Working on different projects, I've found out that Java programmers
>> and C programmers have different habits. Java programmers likes ant,
>> Linux/C programmers - make. I am C programmer :)
> I am both, and I like using both for different things.
>> If we going to do all the build ant-way, let's use cpptask as DRLVM
>> does. But I will not sign up under that task - I can deal with
>> makefile based build system, but I have quite little knowledge of ant
>> to do that task.
> I personally am against using cpptask, and hope we soon get around to
> fixing drlvm's build system to use make.  Actually, I'd prefer that we
> use a conventional configure script to get some help w/ platform
> specifics for the build.

Me too.  Having the top-level ant script invoke configure and make with
default options is fine too, to tie it all together; but as we have
written before there are a number of benefits to using the tools most
commonly associated with each language.



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