Daniel Gandara wrote:
Hi all, as you know at the ITC we are working to complete javax.naming.ldap package v 1.5. We are currently implementing the 1.5 classes and I have one question regarding the reuse of an already donated code from other package (org.apache.harmony.security.x509).

Can you not do it in a vacuum and send code every now and then? maybe submit to JIRa so others can look and comment?

The specific issue is as follow: in order to implement the classes LdapName and Rdn -from javax.naming.ldap- we need a Distinguished Name parser that parses according to the bnf syntax specified in RFC2253 and RFC1779. We've found a DNParser class in the package org.apache.harmony.security.x509 we could re-use, but it checks for valid AttributeTypes by looking in a table of valid OIDs. What we need is a less restrictive parser that allows types that do not have a valid OID.

How about passing it a flag?

We could easily implement this behavior extending from this class and rewriting the specific functionality; but we would have to change some methods and attributes visibility of DNParser and AttributeTypeAndValue from private to protected. The specific question is: should we made this change on the security package and submit it with our contribution? or should we ask for this change
to be made by the ones who wrote the security package?

Submit a patch maybe?  :)


I'll wait for feedback,



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