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From: "Munster, Irene" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ha-Safran]: Scholar Searching for Sephardic/Canary Island Manuscripts

Dear all,
could someone help our colleague, please.
Shabbath shalom

Irene Münster

    Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 09:46:43 -0600
    From: Adán Benavides <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Adán Benavides <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Scholar Searching for Sephardic/Canary Island Manuscripts

All: A UT graduate student is trying to locate a small cache of
Inquisition-related manuscripts sold by Sotheby's in 1950. See
explanaory note below. If you can help, please respond directly to him


Adán Benavides
Benson Latin American Collection
University of Texas Libraries

January 11, 2006

Dear Sirs/Madams:

I am contacting the listserve today to seek any kind assistance
anyone may be able to provide in the location of several critical
historical manuscripts relating to the Sephardic Diaspora from Spain
during the 15th through 18th centuries, specifically a small
collection manuscripts from Spanish Inquisition in the Canary
Islands.  My hope is that if I can locate and access these records, I
will be able to make a small, but important contribution to the
history of the lives of Sephardic Jews as they migrated to the
Americas and England.

Specifically, I am attempting to locate the current provenance of
this fragmentary collection of Spanish Inquisition manuscripts from
the Canary Islands from 1499 to 1700 that were previous held in the
collection of the Scottish Marquess of Bute, but were sold at
Sotheby's Auction House in London on 30 October 1950. These
invaluable records, detailing a critical period of movement of
Sephardic Jews from Spain to England and the Americas, were sold to a
person or an organization in the United States.  After communicating
with the archivist for the Marquess of Bute and Sotheby's about these
manuscripts, I have only learned that these documents were sold to,
"Driscoll ­ America."  Possibly, these documents were purchased by
the rare book dealer, Emily Driscoll of West Virginia.

For your information, my name is Roger L. Martinez
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and I am a doctoral candidate in the
Department of History at the University of Texas at Austin that is
currently conducting dissertation research on a Sephardic Jewish and
converso family in Spain, Portugal, England and the Americas.
Specifically, I am investigating the 500-year lineage of the Spanish
Carvajal Family from 1200 to 1700.  As an academic historian that is
entirely dependent on primary documents to reconstruct the history of
this family, I have traveled extensively to archives in Spain,
Portugal, Mexico, and the United States to access critical historical
manuscripts. Unfortunately, these travels have not yielded
information on these vital Inquisition records from the Canary
Islands and they now appear to remain in the hands of a private
collector or institution. Similarly, my own research searches of the
Jewish history collections in libraries and archives in the United
States have turned up no information on these manuscripts.

Should anyone have any knowledge about the current location of these
manuscripts, I would greatly appreciate an email note with that

In closing, please know that I will carefully abide by any requests
for privacy and anonymity from those persons and organizations that
provide me details relating to these manuscripts.  My only purpose
for locating these records is to restore to our modern view those
precious lives that for now remain lost.

Thank you for your kind attention to my inquiry.

Roger L. Martinez

Roger L. Martinez
Ph.D Candidate
Department of History
1 University Station B7000
Austin, Texas 78712
University of Texas at Austin
(512) 471-3166 p
(512) 475-7222 f


Adán Benavides
Librarian for Research Programs
Benson Latin American Collection
University of Texas Libraries
The University of Texas at Austin
P.O. Box P
Austin, TX 78713-8916
       512-495-4588 (v)  512-495-4568 (fax)
       e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
       library web site: http://www.lib.utexas.edu/benson/

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