
Last week I visited a collection of books from Rabbi Abraham 
Simon,  He graduated Jewish Theological Seminary in 1932.  His 
ordination certificate was on the wall with signatures of all the 
faculty members including Cyrus Adler, Mordecai Kaplan, Israel 
Davidson, Boaz Cohen, and Louis Ginzberg.  I was curious, but I did 
not take the document.

Simon's daughter gave me some of the books that she wanted to get rid 
of. Most of the books were pretty ordinary, but some had interesting 
dedications. Mordecai M. Kaplan, the founder of both the Young Israel 
movement and Reconstructionist movement wrote Judaism as a 
Civilizationin 1934. This was the basis for all his later 
philosophical works. Kaplan wrote a dedication in a first edition of 
this book to the rabbi. The rabbi had been one of his students. Other 
books with Kaplan's dedication are listed by dealers with prices 
ranging from $250-695.

The collection also includes a copy of Esther and Harbonah, by  H. 
Pereira Mendes (1852-1937)  Mendes was the rabbi of Shearith Israel 
as well being active at Jewish Theological Seminary and the OU.  The 
book has a whole page inscription written to Jacob Schiff 
(1847-1920). Schiff was a wealthy financier and philanthropist. His 
firm Kuhn, Loeb was one of  the two most powerful banking houses in 
the United States. He gave generous support to Jewish Theological 
Seminary, Yeshiva University, Barnard College, Jewish Publication 
Society and many others. He competed with his brother-in-law who 
endowed the Loeb Classics at Harvard University. Schiff supported the 
Jewish Publication Society's Jewish Classics series.

If you are interested in these items or know someone who might be, 
please contact me.

My list of books for sale has been updated to include these and about 
800 others. Find them 
at: Most of 
the books are also listed on  The list includes subject 
headings and all the author names are listed as they appear in 
library catalogs.

Daniel Stuhlman
Chicago, IL
ddstuhlman at



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